Clarification question:
The Lumin app. will only work with a Lumin player, correct?
Thanks in advance.
Clarification question:
The Lumin app. will only work with a Lumin player, correct?
Thanks in advance.
No need for a Lumin player, the Lumin app as control point only requires an Open Home renderer.
Install BubbleUPnP server or minimserver on your NAS / streamer and create an OH renderer from a choosen uPnP renderer.
If you create this OH emulator from the BII uPnP renderer it is possible to use Lumin (or Linn Kazoo) as IOS control point (w/Tidal &Qobuz) with the (OH-emulated) BII without involving a computer.
My above screenshot is the Lumin app on my i-Pad air streaming Qobuz over etherregen>Melco (minimserver)>usb>matrix>hdmi>DSsr
My music is on my iMac, which “streams” wirelessly to my router and then to the DS via Bridge II.
I don’t think I can “get there from here”. Am I wrong?
BTW, I installed the Lumin app. on my iPhone and it dutifully found my entire library on/via JRiver Media Center, But when I went to select and play some music I got a “Please choose a Lumin” message.
So, can my iMac- JRMC-Bridge II combo. serve as an “Open Home Renderer”?
Thanks in advance.
In your setup you need to install THIS BubbleUPnP Server version on your iMac to provide OpenHome compatibility to BridgeII (your UPnP/DLNA Media Renderer) for broad compatibility with UPnP/DLNA control software like Lumin.
BubbleUPnP Server is not an UPnP/DLNA media server: it does not index your media.
HERE’s some more background information.
I’ll give it a try.
Thank you, very much.
I liked the look of the Lumin app when I had it load and link to all of my files – so, we will see.
Although no MQA-unfold IMHO Lumin definitely beats mConnect control
wijber, thanks so much for this, I’m deleting my previous post, it was the BubbleUPnP server that did the trick and I can see the Tidal and Qobuz capability too.
I installed on my Win10 PC. I can see my Hegel, Denon and Bridge II card(DS Senior) now.
Got this working tonight on my Synology. Works great and can use LUMIN or Linn Kazoo.
No one has volume control working with the lumin app correct? I am assuming no volume control with the mConnect app as well?
I just got this DirectStream the other day and have to say it is super clunky. Maybe I am just soiled coming from a Sonos. Well … spoiled UI wise not sound quality wise…
Never had problems using volume control in both the Lumin & mConnect control apps streaming over BridgeII (sd card needs to be plugged in)
Yes… I said that wrong. I was hoping that there was a better integration with the Bridge. It DAC volume works independent of the App volume so it means playing the volume game. My current Pre-Amp does not have passthrough connections so I now have and amp volume, DAC volume and the app volume.
Maybe we can request a feature were you can set the dac to “passthrough” for a given input bypassing the volume control.
My new pre-amp will have the passthrough and if the DAC did as well a single volume control in the app would be the only one that would need adjusting.
‘App volume’ simply doesn’t exist. With the app as the control point you adjust the DAC volume at wish.
I’m doing a Bridge II + Bubble UPNP + Minimserver + Lumin app + NAS DS218+. It’s solid.
Here are my initial impressions of the setup I chose. Qobuz streaming to Bridge II using both mConnect on iPhone and BubbleUPnP on Fire tablet.
The mConnect isn’t bad so far. The only misbehavior noticed is that pausing playback and allowing the phone to lock or app to close causes you to lose the music queue so you have to start over. Trying this arrangement with a longer auto-lock time on the phone of 5 minutes we’ll see.
The BubbleUPnP on Fire tablet has been stable so far and the larger screen is nice to surf for more music. I will say after using iOS products for a while this particular Android product is pretty clunky. This may have more to do with Amazon than the device itself. Lots of forced ads (I know the thing was $50 so can’t get too worked up).
I think it will be nice to have both options for controlling the Bridge II. I’m very impressed with how easy installation and setup was with the Bridge. I was up and running in about 15 minutes. Then just had to add an SD card to get album art to display from Qobuz on the DS DAC. Really great so far and can’t wait to get better internet. My “12Mb/sec” DSL is rarely that fast so between two of us working from home and trying to stream very high res audio it can be challenged to the point of drop outs.
BubbleUPnP license is < 5$ for use without any add and limitations. Absolutely worth the bucks. Unlike the free version, you can stream media files along with advanced features like editable playlists, playback queue, shuffle modes, sleep timer, full screen image viewer and much more.
With the Bridge configured as an Open Home renderer (BubbleUPnP server) an album or playlist will continue to play till the end even when you turn off the tablet.
Now can anyone help this newbie with the simplest, plug and play NAS drive to download content from Qobuz and play through Bridge II?
This topic might help you out
I currently have 5 Synology NAS boxes in different places and they have all been rock solid performers. If you get one, make sure to use NAS spec hard drives and fill the board with memory.
I just bought one of these for my music server:
And put two of these drives in it setup as a RAID array:
I now use this NAS as my music backup drive but it will serve you well as a primary music server.
If you plan n building a large library of video and movies you might want a larger diskstation:
Either way I would set it up as a RAID 1 which is mirroring. You only get half of the storage capacity but a full mirrored data set. If you lose one drive, you can simply “hot swap” it with another new drive and the array will rebuild automatically.
Hey Vern,
Thanks a lot for the NAS hardware recommendations. On my Amazon wish list now. And I totally get the RAID concept. Would be very painful to lose a ton of stored music.
No problem. Their software is web based and has a pretty straight forward learning curve. Once you get things setup it’s pretty much forget about it. They do periodic web updates to the main software and any installed packages you have. I do not have them automatically applied but rather do it myself periodically.
Take a look at their website and do some YouTube searches and you will get a feel for the software. These NAS boxes do need a wired network connection and your Bridge II should also be wired. Others have had good luck with wireless connections but in this case wires is best.
Also bear in mind that the drives will constantly be rattling from use so if your listening area is dead quiet you may want the NAS in another room. I also keep my NAS boxes plugged into a CyberPower 1500va battery backups. The Synology NAS can communicate with the UPS and coordinate a safe shutdown should power be lost. Not a necessity but good practice.
Time is on your side so you can do plenty of research before purchasing. I think they also have a “practice” web interface that you can play around with in the mean time.