BridgeII now "seen" as CONVERS CDMCM-210 in Sense App

The Bridge has always been a PS product based on the Converse digital engine. We use their digital engine to do the network communication and conversions necessary to stream audio. We also use it for the first MQA unfold and as a Roon endpoint. The Converse modulation gives us the raw digital data which we then take and run through a custom Digital Lens buffer and rebuild system that is built into the Bridge. This, along with the power supply and other peripherals, is the PS part. It is where we take kind of high jitter grungy output and turn it into something you want to listen to.

Think of the original PWT. We used an off-the-shelf DSD drive, built the control functions and then ran the “ugly” output through a Digital Lens that output through a fixed low jitter output. That’s where the magic of what you hear is. The ROM drive or Converse module does the heavy lifting of connection and data extraction, then we take over from there.

The AirLens too is built around a newer Converse module. So, yes, for years we have been partnering with Converse. But, it’s hardly a repackaging exercise. :blush: