Has anybody had an issue with their stellar strata display blanking out with a bright white background? Unfortunately, this appears to be a reoccurring problem with mine. This initially happened over a year ago, and the unit was sent back to PSA for repair. It returned with, unfortunately, the same issue reoccurring several months later.
It happens every now and then. We have noticed it happening with i2s streamers that are powered on before the strata is.
Unplug everything from the unit. Everything… Leave it unplugged for at least two hours. Then plug everything back in. It’s not a common occurrence, but usually the full power down will fix that.
Will do. Thanks for the fix.
Two hours?! What kind of current storage or warm components could require two hours?
I don’t think the potential issue is current storage or heat. Rather, it’s likely a possible firmware issue.
Sometimes the “code” needs to be rattled back in line for certain features (e.g., displays and screens).
Just a guess…
Is there a firmware update I can download for the stellar strata?
Did the suggested fix work?
PS Audio’s website has firmware updates for its products you can download.
It takes everything out of the equation when it comes to power. That’s why we suggest it.
And for everyone else in the thread asking. This is the latest firmware for the strata. It’s just bug fixes and the fix for the issue some units had with the blinking blue PS front button.