Contemplating upgrading from 700’s and curious if I need to upgrade the P3 as well.
@JeffreyWhite I asked PSA when i did the same and was told the P3 can handle the load although not ideal, that said, I have been feeding my M1200s for 15 months with the P3 without any incident and they sound great. P3 serving the M1200s and only the DSD and BHK Pre, so far so good. I am looking forward to upgrading at some point. There are a few P15s and a P20 on USAudioMart now if you’re looking. Good luck
I have M1200s. When I bought my regenerator, PSA recommended I use a P-12. I’ve never been sorry. My understanding is you might want to use the filtered high current mode for the amps instead of the regenerator.
Of the multiple people that use the M1200s fed by the P3, there was only one guy that had an issue with the P3 being overloaded. I can’t remember what speakers he was using because I didn’t work with him directly, but they were VERY inefficient. They upgraded to the P12 and problem solved.