Charles Mingus birthday

Today is the birthday of composer and bassist Charles Mingus ! There is a college radio station from New York City, WKCR, that plays his music for 24 hours on his birthday every year ! You can go to the WKCR website or go to itunes and then go to “Radio”, then go to “college/university” and then “WKCR” !


Charles Mingus is my favourite Jazz musician (particularly “Ah Um”). If anyone knows where I could get the SACD of Ah Um in the UK (or internationally that ships to the UK) I would be very grateful - I have seen some used copies selling for crazy prices.

If you go to a website called Discogs, you will find there is a used Charles Mingus AH UM SACD for $36.99 ! I buy CDs from this website.

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I’m a Mingus nut! I listened to some randomly grabbed Mingus yesterday: a few discs from the Debut Recordings box (with Thad Jones and Paul Bley) and “Mingus Dynasty.”

Thank you :slight_smile: