Controlling P10 using software

I am on the verge of buying a used P10 but I need to know if I can control the P10 over IP.
So is there an API or can I use CURL or any other means to mimic the web interface? Is the web interface an ActiveX component or does it handle socket communications or telnet or …?

I want to be able to automate turning zones on and off by software like crestron without having to use the IR remote or having to manually go into the web interface. And I don’t mean time scheduling.

I cannot find anything on this on the web.

many thanks,


Welcome Richard! Man, this hasn’t come up in a while. I do actually have the codes you’re looking for. I’ll send them to your email here in a sec.


Welcome, Richard!

I do not know if the P10 will respond as you would like. I do not believe so, but there are many here more knowledgeable than I.

@jamesh please are there additional codes to theese ones?
If so, could you please send it also to me? Many thanks! :slight_smile:

The codes you are referring to are IR codes whereas I was looking for an API doc with either RS232 or URL codes and that is what I got. Tommorow will know if the codes will actually work, but I don’t doubt that;.

Richard wanted the API codes. Very few cases where these are helpful for folks unless they want to use a different automation SW.

I am impressed you have them. :slight_smile:

If you have a use for them though, I’m more than happy to send them your way.

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I’d like to have them. I use Home Assistant and might work to integrate there. Currently, I use Harmony hub-based RF/IR remote to control outlets (like turning off my HT-AV outlet when serious listening to 2 channel is going on).

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@jamesh actually network API would even better for functionality point of view.
Ideally i’d have option to set output voltage and high regulation vs low-distortion mode - the idea is that my output voltage would adjust let’s say every 30 minutes to better align with incoming voltage (yes i’m “bit” of geek and just would like to see if my approach would bring some benefit to sound quality - i’d like to keep output voltage for e.g. between 225v and 235v , depending on input voltage (it swings usually between 225 and 240V on daily basis):

Basically making sure the powerplant have always some voltage reserve on input for the price that output voltage might change every 30 minutes - e.g. making sure that Vin > Vout …

I already made some automation integration Siri (homekit) → HomeAssistant → P10 via infrared , so when I tell Siri to “engage”, P10 is turned on, after a while 60s CleanWave is run and the P10 display dimmed (and of course music from Roon starts playing … ) :slight_smile:

Having access to official API would hopefully open further new possibillities… :pray:

P…S. For the curious ones, here is link to my “code” for the powerplant stats : GitHub - maniac0r/powerplant-stats: PS Audio Powerplant statistics to InfluxDB


Wow, this is awesome! Nice work my friend. I’ll sent over the doc in just a sec.

@brett66 You bet, I’ll send it to you as well.

So The API works fine however I think I have an older document since the RS and RA commands give me more detail than is written in the API doc.

Also in the doc I see:
Over Voltage Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) Protection Status
&umov= 0 if no MOV protection, 1 if MOVs are ok

In my case I get a 0 in return. Does that mean that something is not OK?

It would also have been very nice to be able to control the WaveForm (Sine / Multi) and the Strength of the multiwave plus the ability to start a cleanwave. Should have been simple additions to a very simple control protocol. But since I see properties coming bny in the RA status dump that aren’t listed in the PowerPlay Programming Manual (15‐060‐99‐1‐DOM‐A), maybe there is a newer version which also lists some more control options…
Anyhow, I am already very pleased with what I have now.

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I just hade a quick chat with Bob and he said he wouldn’t trust that. He mentioned that report had communication issues and is not being very reliable, so it’s nothing to be concerned about.

Do you mean that I should not trust the MOV reporting because it is not very reliable and therefore should not be concerned about it? Or shouldn’t I trust the fact that my unit reports a 0?


So this is the most relevant info I want to display.

May I ask where the two Temperature sensors are located? One left and the other right?
And out of curiosity; what does DC Offset mean?

In my case Zones A and B are permanently on and should not be touched because they host my PC and NAS. The rest is used for and immersive processor and Amplifiers and are switched by code when I enter my home theater.

Since my home theater does not host my equipment, it would have been nice to be able to tweak the multiwave strength so I could listen for a difference.

Thanks again for this great info!

My understanding is that the reporting is not reliable, so that figure doesn’t really mean anything.

Hi James

I wonder if you could send me the codes that you have for IP control of the P10?
I actually have the P20 but hopefully none of the controls have changed all that much.
It’s worth a shot.


Hi Dennis, I just sent them to your email. Good luck!

Thank you so much James
it is very much appreciated
however, unfortunately while it does work it doesn’t do everything that I want like changing MW settings, LCD brightness and initiating a clean
it was worth checking out
once again, thanks for your help