Could the DSS have harmed my speakers? (Ted?)

Maybe just try to be a little sensitive to some on here who may not be so fortunate, unless if it’s hifi related of course, in which case anything goes (and the bigger speakers, the better!) :slight_smile:

Tried to send a more eloquent version of this in a private message, but messages not accepted.

And one more idea if you’d like to become more engaged in this great audio community. Try posting some of your favorite music (and indicate what you like especially if you have time) here -> What are you spinning now? (Mark 4)


Everyone has their problems and reasons to be happy or unhappy. I am happy with what I have, I do not envy anyone, and I receive information about the problems of Persian carpet owners as a joke.


Yet again, Mr. Anonymous informs us he’s just a regular guy - who doesn’t want be seen as a jerk, only to revert to form, regaling us with another STORY of his colossal wealth. Talking about how wealthy one is - just sheer Vulgarity.


We need to be kind and understanding. It is a burden having a PhD in software engineering from MIT, a law degree, and an MD simultaneously - right brain/left brain confusion and all.


I have a very nice rug here - cost me a tenner on eBay - works for me :slight_smile:


As long as it’s tattered, made in China on the rear… You have secured a great deal!


FWIW M.I.T offers PhD in Computational Science and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, but not Software Engineering.

I am certain it was a unique, self-designed and implemented program so that other candidates and the professor did not slow him down.


My $0.02: take it easy folks, it’s only money. You know, the 10th Commandment and all.

But, ummm, . . . unwanted, cast-off Persian rugs would be most welcome here. Talk to me before contacting Good Will. :smiley:

just sayin’ . . .


Notice Ted is nowhere to be seen :slight_smile:
Notice I have coined the man a genius

Anyways, I apologize for my behavior once again.
If I said I was a Doctor I meant PHD. I do have a law degree as well. When I went to MIT, many years ago they did have a software curriculum. .I was a Professor there.Just setting facts straight.

Let me try to get this back on track since i derailed it.

Let’s talk about “house sound”. I can actually hear the Wamm in the tune Tot! I find that incredible.
On that note, everyone should get what sounds best to them. however I think Wilson is a safer “investment” nowadays Than SF is. For resale. At that level. SF used to be very strong but went the way of Martin Logan so to speak. Most of their range is now focused on the lower range. Not a very safe investment IMO. would take the right buyer. Although Piano gloss is actually the correct color.

If I were to purchase anything “big bucks”, I would do so from a company with their entire product segment focused there. I figure that should tremendously help resale. So people are not thinking “…but these guy’s make $250 whatever”. Unless you plan to keep it for ever. Or trade with PS Audio! there are other programs out there like this too.

Anyways, I hope we can get this going on a different foot or just drop it.


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Of course, wouldn’t expect anything less.


It is 4AM! I just realized that. My bad. You got me.

Come on guy’s. There is no reason to hate on each other.

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I don’t hate you. I just don’t understand you! I cannot fathom why you have to fabricate stories.? You’ve been caught out on another lie!
Edited: my previous post.


I will admit I do “embellish” some of my “stories” a good deal. However the core of it is true. I have lived a storied life. Believe it or not. To rub it in others faces is a different matter entirely. If I were to put myself in a persons shoes whom makes say 25 grand a year for a moment I would imagine how this makes them feel. Also, the other wealthy out there tend to do no such thing. I would be alone on this. A right proper A-h… I really am not sure why i do this. I do it in real life as well. alienating almost everyone. I have no reason to. i am content. I am not wanting, nor depressed or lonely. I really don’t know why I do this. I honestly Have very nice stuff. My two stereos are serious stuff. Why I feel the need to rub it in everyone’s face I personally cannot even put a tab on. I suggest to everyone here that they just ignore me when I go off on these tangents. Unless it is related to something. For instance many times I have mentioned my Select DAC II in anticipation of the Obsidian. I hope to get the Obsidian and sell the MSB. I honestly hope that the Obsidian is better. i have no reason to think that it would not be. I honestly love these forums. I think perhaps therein lies the issue. For some reason I want to push away the things I hold most dear. I do sincerely apologize. I truthfully had no intention of making anyone feel bad. I am being completely honest right now.

No need to embellish anything here, folks from sprouts to the highest end are treated quite nicely here as I see it. And I am willing to wager many have interesting life stories. No need to show off to get good treatment here, it comes off cheesy and is off putting. Cheers, Jim


You are the ONLY person on the forum who bangs on at length amount money and expensive possessions. There will be others on the forum who live very comfortable lives - who never show-off their wealth. I am far from the poverty line but never talk about wealth. You do it constantly. WHY… Why embellish; feel a need to make up stories.! How do you expect be taken seriously.


Most of my friends make rather less than this, if they are lucky enough to have a job,
we really are a self-selecting community of lucky folks here for the most part.

Nowt wrong with this, except when “Willy Waving”…

(humble apologies to @Elk if that is considered vulgar, please feel free to delete this post!

…actually I’m starting to regret that image rather…

I think my safest bet is to go back to “spinning music” which is the main reason I am here :slight_smile:


No, you claimed medical doctor, to whit:

See, here.

It is hard to keep your “facts” straight when you are making everything up.