Daniel Hertz Audio

Exactly. Preposterous declarative statements like that turn me right off.


air moves them?

Obviously a bit of gran​dil​o​quence going on here. Not the first time an owner of an audio company bragged about their audio products in an exaggerated manner.



Sorry, this is nonsense, period.

It is as bad as his claim PCM results in a stair-stepped waveform. Complete BS.

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I’ve been intrigued since first seeing a couple glowing SteveHuff reviews last year. A lot of ground was covered in this thread about a year ago.
That said this is about the same time I started realizing that many reviews were the next rainbow unicorn. They may be sincere but I can’t afford to get too wound up with every new shiny toy.
A functional detail that has me scratching my head is the Maria amp lacks remote anything including volume. It’s not a show stopper, but for the money I question why not.
Somewhere in the mess of information is a mention that the recommended speaker wire that accompanies systems and/or speakers looked similar to zip cord.
The lasting impression from this C Wave white paper is that I should invest in a new cartridge and quality vinyl. I wonder if I can put it on my HSA since digital is affecting my mental and physical health
Don’t get me wrong. I’d still love to give it a ride and see if there’s anything to the fuss, but there’s little more than a 0% chance of a Maria amp/system occupying the rack.


Paul, I read the patent a while ago as well and my conclusion was the same as yours!

Conclusions aren’t conclusions without firsthand experience, they’re only conjecture.

Yeah, it’s interesting but certainly not revolutionary. Mark’s really good at making waves.

“making waves”…C-waves? :joy:

Just curious is that assessment based on in person evaluation or conjecture?

What, my observation about Mark? I think Mark’s made some excellent contributions to the audio industry. Products like those from Cello were quite good. I also think his ability to take something, like an equalizer (or more recently C Wave), and brand it and declare it as revolutionary, can sometimes be a little over the top. But then, I am guilty of the same level of excitement myself so……


Not so much about Mark, but his actual products. Have you sat down and listened to his systems that employ his latest technology?

Adding reverb…

That is exactly what a speaker designer does with a rear-firing tweeter or say my Magnepans that fire full range to the rear. The bouncing sound has a psycho acoustic effect that actually helps the ear-brain system localize sound sources… one of the elements of the Haas Effect.

So… adding reverb is … um… well…

Bruce in Philly


Seriously, drawing conclusions based on conjecture alone doesn’t carry much weight. The proof is in the pudding. If you haven’t actually listened to a product, your thoughts are just flimsy opinions.

I don’t think anyone is trying to say it does not sound good, or work well especially for someone looking for a simple KISS system. What everyone is trying to say its NOT ground breaking or revolutionary new design. For someone with that size budet and does not want to poke and look and test, it may be something they love to put in their house. Most here probably not.


Perfect explanation.

If the end result is a new level of sound quality not attainted by other systems, I’d say that’s revolutionary.
Now I’m not claiming it’s revolutionary as of yet, because I haven’t listened to the system in person yet, I’m speculating based on feedback from others who’s ears I trust. I’d say what is revolutionary is having confirmed though objective scientific tests, that this technology has a positive impact on certain physiological functions in the human body. There’s never been, until this point, a means of objectively testing whether or not a component actually improves one’s wellbeing. Now Mark didn’t invent the test equipment, but he was the first to employ it, which again I would say is revolutionary.

So wait… are you going from telling people that they can’t even talk about the technology because they haven’t heard it to saying its now a miracle cure for bursitis, rickets, and ennui?

Don’t be ridiculous. Never said anyone couldn’t talk about the technology, just that the conclusions reached through speculation don’t carry much weight.