DirectStream DAC Bridge II just started inserting gaps

FYI, a Roon update dropped today that claims to have resolved Roon/Qobuz gapless and stuttering issues. Seems promising! I won’t have an opinion regarding success on my system till the weekend.


I will wait my usual 2-3 days to see how many devices break before I update.


I applied the update, and so far this evening things are working normally.

I didn’t have any issues with gapless playback before the update, and I don’t have any issues with it now.


I’ve updated Roon and it seems to be fine again now. I’ve just managed to listen to A Wizard/A True Star by Todd Rundgren without a gap, which must be the toughest test for it.

Thank you all for your help. This is a great forum. Also, apologies to PS Audio for incorrectly jumping to the conclusion that the fault was in their hardware.


It’s good to know the gapless issue is resolved. There was quite a few people effected. Enjoy!