DirectStream DAC MKII Beta Tester Reviews

@dawkinsj I love conspiracy theories! :nerd_face:


That would get him nowhere as Paul said there will be no board changes until after 500 units are in the field. My sample has not suffered from any of the muting issue and other that User Interface issues which will be worked out in future firmware is exactly the same as the first full production units.


Not a conspiracy theory as Luca said his dealer had a unit for delivery and Aaron said only units in EU were beta.


Aaron said plainly that there were hardware revisions made so the age of those EU beta units is the issue as to whether or not they require the hardware revision as in his own words it is intermittent.

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I know @luca.pelliccioli really wants a MKII, so I want to feel sorry for him. But he lives in Italy and I am jealous, so no sorrow for him. :wink:


Darn, such a let down :joy:

And I want him to have one if he thinks he has to but been here long enough to understand what PSA and intermittent mean. Patience and time for aging before jumping in. Would still listen to La Scala Mk 2 if he can find one close.

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The importer, after I asked for infos about the units received last week, immediately contacted PS Audio early in the morning and today received clarifications from Boulder, he said. This is the reason why Iā€™m trying to PM Aaron after having read his post above. Someone, somewhere is missing something. Call them little discrepanciesā€¦

Life is strange, last month I asked for becoming a proud member of beta program but I was told it wasnā€™t an option because Iā€™m not a US customer. Last week it seems that a few beta units have been shipped outside US after beta phase was declared expired. Today Iā€™m trying to find out if Iā€™m going to become a beta tester even if Iā€™m not clearly able to be a beta tester anymore. Keep calm, be optimistic, the glass is half full not half empty. Someone, somewhere will explain to me something Iā€™m missing.


That they might send Beta units to some distributor/importers to get their opinion is not that strange if they have a history with them.

Probably. Itā€™s strange though that the importer is not aware about this.

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But the importer shouldnā€™t sell this as a production unit!


Unless someone, somewhere assured the importer that they are not beta unitsā€¦ said the importer. The mystery deepens.

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Oh guys, the day Iā€™ll be sitting in my room listening (flawlessly) to my MK II it will really be a happy day and Iā€™ll share my joy with all of you. Beta or not beta.
Today, within a few hours, I have to go to work so meanwhile itā€™s better to save some dream for my last sleeping time.


Actually he said only a group of certaing serial numbers had the issue and needed the revision. I am one of the lucky ones who recieved a unit that had no problem.

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ā€œIt was difficult to say, ā€œthis problem was a part of serial number range X to Xā€ I hate that I have to use the word intermittent, like when you take your car to the shop and the weird noise suddenly stops.ā€

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After a unit has had the reworks done it isnā€™t intermittent, itā€™s the same as a production unit. There is no difference between a production unit and a beta unit after the reworks are done to the beta unit, I.e. the reworks are a part of production.


Thank you Ted. And in your estimated opinion which would be the difference between a beta unit not yet reworked (that is now not showing issues) and a unit reworked in today new production? As for functional reliability (or value) looking at its life in future. A few beta testers (and I still donā€™t know if Iā€™m going to become soon part of them) might wonder if their units, without reworks done, have the same general expected life and performance the years ahead.
Is this rework really needed if a beta unit is playing now without any evident issues or like sometimes happens with cars we might expect that the manufacturer will ā€œrecallā€ all beta units to be all reworked considering it a precautionary process as standard?
I think this would play a role in future also as reselling value but Iā€™m more interested in technical quality and long time performance of these early (beta) products.

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I have more hours on multiple unreworked Mk IIā€™s than anyone. Mine are fine and by far the majority of the initially shipped beta have had no issues that would have required the reworks. Still the reworks are clearly documented and have been done to later units sent out for beta and units sent out from production (if thatā€™s started, I donā€™t really know.) If somehow your unit does develop a problem (which we havenā€™t seen yet) PS Audio (and/or their distributors) will take care of you. The muting that happens with the problem is the box protecting your speakers and itself.


As always you are not only the genius and father of this creature but also an example for your kindness and immediate care of us, answering faster than any other night and day. What can I say, once more thank you Ted.


Will it be in Munich?
