DirectStream Dac Top polish?

is it possible to polish the top of the DirectStream Dac top?

It’s just painted. Use what you use on your car. I got some scratches out with P21S polish. But any one-step should work. Just use common sense regarding abrasives.


This is the best stuff. Good for your car too:


Wonder if i can get a tiny bottle of it…ill check

I just used what came with my car…when it was new .

Did you use the P21S polishing soap?

P21S “Paintwork Cleanser” is a polish.
If you really want to get nuts, you can follow up with their carnuba wax.
These products seem to work best on German paint; I use them on my cars.
If you have swirl marks on your PS Audio tops, the polish will eliminate them. If however, you have a scratch that you can feel with your fingernail, you’d have to go a different route.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: We also love cars

Thank you. The “Polishing Soap” seemed wrong.