Directstream Mk 2 observations

It’s probably Apple compares to orange. I was comparing PST playing SACD vs Lumin U2 playing PCM 192/24. But they are not from the same master anyway. A right comparison will be DSD 256 or even 128 that sounds better than 192/24 from Lumin U2. All my files in DSD are either 128 or 256, not in 64.

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A difference is that DSD can use much gentler output filters than 24/192 (unless the 24/192 is digitally upsampled quite a bit before the final analog filter.) From a theoretical point of view DSD encoding is more efficient in that each bit contains the same amount of information but the various bits in each 24/192 sample carry differing amounts of information. Also the bottom four bits of 24/192 probably don’t affect the output of the DAC in an audible way - 20/192 would probably sound the same as 24/192 in most systems.


Interesting. I was under the impression that the MkII converts everything to DSD and therefore uses the same output filter for both PCM and DSD inputs.

My current DAC is an Marantz SACD 30n. The “Marantz Musical Mastering” system converts all inputs to DSD256. I have a laptop running Audirvana Origen hooked up to the USB input, with an Audioquest Jitterbug in between. To my ears on my system, PCM 24/192 sounds as good as DSD256. The bonus with PCM is that I can use a plug-in GEQ to tweak the EQ curve to my liking.

The DS and DS Mk II do convert everything to DSD256. But since you mentioned 24/192 in an unqualified way I assumed you were talking about 24/192 vs DSD64 in general. It’s still arguable whether 24/196 or DSD64 contains more audible information. But the thing that really matters is what each individual person likes the best.


Okay, now I get your distinction between raw information and audible information.

I hope to try the MkII some day. The thing that drives me crazy about my Marantz is that I can’t get to the fuse because it’s hidden under a circuit board. So I can’t audition 10 different fuses and a Swiss Digital Fuse Box. On second thought, maybe that’s a good thing. :joy:

I know this has been answered but I don’t recall and a search is a lot of work. Can both the balanced and unbalance outputs on the mkii be used simultaneously? What are the issues, if any? Thanks!!

While not a Mkii I recently did it with my Mk i and the sonics suffered with both balanced and single ended running into my preamplifier. Sounded closed in and reduced dynamics. Single ended has been disconnected.

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It depends greatly on your cables (specifically their capacitance.) Having both outputs connected at the same time unbalances the balanced output which can cause less noise rejection, and probably rolled off highs on both outputs (or, in some circumstances peaking in the high end.)


thanks Ted! Is this generally true with most DACs or specific to the mkii? Sorry, I assume the question is too generic to answer precisely.

Many DACs have separate output drivers so they don’t have that problem. Duplicating the output of the DS or the DS Mk II would be duplicating much of the analog board.


Latest PS audio YouTube video with @Paul ’s answers has some unit on lab table. It looks similar to DS mk2 but with extra hardware inside… any thoughts gentlemen?

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Hmm, maybe @tedsmith could help us? :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope, I have no idea.


Maybe the perfectwave phono preamp? Just a shot in the dark guess from me.

So Paul is sitting right next to it. When he gets back from AXPONA just ask him what it is on the table.

Undoubtedly, he’s reading this post as well, so may answer it right away. If this is in line with the company’s communications strategy. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was in the PS Audio room at AXPONA today and caught Paul at a (slightly) quiet moment and asked him about changing the display of the DS Mk II. Mine always shows the input. He takes me over to DS on display and lo and behold it shows the sample rate/bits (e.g., 44.1/16). I tell him that’s exactly what I want! He can’t recall if this a new thing and if it has been released so we talk to Aaron Mars (I think it was him). He thinks it was part of Massive beta! I’ve installed Massive, both beta and final, on my Mk II. I never had that display and could not find it in the menu prior to this. Does everyone else see sample rate/bits on the display? Did anyone else have the issue of only the “input selected” on the display? Aaron thought it might have been a bad load of the non-FPGA file, but if it did load improperly I never noticed an issue, at least until now.

Ever since Massive Final I’ve had the large size bit rate show up about 3 seconds after displaying the chosen input. Didn’t have to change anything.

See pages 11–12 of the manual.


Thank you magister! I swear I checked the manual and I know I searched through the menu, but somehow I missed it on both accounts. I will check when I get home Sunday.