What has become a maddening reoccurring incident is the loss of Ethernet connectivity between our DirectStream DAC SR Bridge 2 and our Small Green Computer i5 (1TB) Roon Appliance. Our crying game. We love our system but are at wits end with this situation.
looking for community support.
We listen to streaming music 80-90 of our waking hours and are home 70-80 % of most days. System stays powered on always.
Beginning to think we have two Intermittant equipment issues and not a network issue.
1st Incident description. (Intermittant)
Loss of Roon connectivity over network to Roon Remote App. Music stops playing
Loss of Ethernet indicator lights are observed
Firware updated
Occuring for 3.5 months
requires a power cycling of the Roon appliance to restore.
Resolution attempts:
reconnecting cable from switch or appliance port does not resolve issue.
new cable doesn’t resolve issue
new switch replaced does not resolve issue
switch bypass to Wi-Fi router direct connect does not resolve issue replaced with new Wi-Fi router as well
switch bypass direct connection to cable modem router does not solve issue
IP address is fixed
2nd Incident description (Intermittant)
Loss of Ethernet Bridge 2 visibility on network. Does not occur consistently with loss of Roon. Sometimes Roon is working and visible and it looses visibility to DAC Ethernet shows green but Roon cannot see Bridge 2
Started happening last two weeks
UConnect App has lost visability to Bridge 2 completely so I cannot isolate Bridge 2 testing from Roon
Recently replaced Bridge 2 (first one hard failure)
Power cycling of DirectStream to re-initialize Bridge 2 visibility of network is required.
Resolution attempts:
loss of Ethernet port indicator lights
reconnecting cable from switch or appliance port does not resolve issue.
Replacing with new Ethernet cable does not resolve
Changing input to another (IS2) and back to Ethernet does not restore
Both fixed IP and DHCP used does not resolve
New switch installed does not resolve.
Connecting direct to Cable Modem router or new Wi-Fi router does not resolve.
DS Memory Player doesn’t have any issues.
What else can I do? Loosing my mind!
Do not have a heat issue as we have had fans blowing on the units and had them setting in isolation changed locations and monitored temuratures and changed power sources.
I cannot direct connect Ethernet between Appliance and DAC as it is headless.
Appliance only has Ethernet output
I will connect MicroRendo Ethernet to USB to see if that stabilizes situation…
Will it keep Appliance Interface stable and will it help me isolate that my appliance has an issue?
Is there a Ethernet Standby or “go to sleep” occurring?
-Is there a Log File in the Appliance showing. Failure?
Also is there a log file in the DAC that we can view?
Have the ability to deploy an older Mac Mini Server to remove Roon Appliance… and may attempt this to isolate DAC/Bridge 2.
We imagine it’s possible that this is the second Bridge 2 Failure in a month…
We have also eliminated the cable modem router and isolated to a newly cabled network new hub with fixed addresses… Both incidents still occur… not the network, not our cables.