Does Using a Black Screen Improve Audio Listening Experience

Hi Everyone,

I have heard that keeping a black screen on while listening to music can help reduce distractions and improve focus on sound quality. Some audiophiles even recommend turning off all visual elements in a listening room to enhance the immersive experience.

Has anyone tried this? Does reducing screen glare or visual stimuli help in perceiving finer audio details? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

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If possible I dim all displays.
The audible difference is very small in my case.
But since I have seen the interference on the scope it is a no brainer for me.

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Welcome to the forum. Are you referring to screens on audio devices? Regardless I’m in the all displays off camp.

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All Dark. I have a projector screen that does reflect any light. I have been turning off my RS130 LCD as its bright as heck and I use Roon so my ipad is my visual. which I put face down to keep that light off as well. So yeah, darker the better.


Don’t know about having a screen down but when I’m listening to music I always try to create the right ambience.
I find having three warm glow lights, which are not too bright, spaced around the room creates a nice gentle environment.
So it’s whatever works for you but definitely experiment to get the setting right for you.

A beer generally works too, lol.

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I don’t know how it really affects the music, but I add/dim/turn off lights depending on my mood and the music I’m listening to.
Max Richter’s, Sleep definitely sounds so much better in the dark.

I stare at the Dark Lord

(It’s more subtle and soothing in person. Bad Pic)

Welcome aboard. Yes. But in those moments I usually have my eyes closed so nothing else seems to matter.

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I keep room accent lights low. (In the concert hall, I listen to the Phila. Orch. with ambient level light; I look out on the musicians and can scan the hall in front.) At home I look out on an elegant fireplace and can scan sconces, oriental rug, wall hanging, recessed bookshelves, (live) plants. My equip. is set into a wall recess behind the right Magneplanar, so I barely see it. I see/imagine the musicians arrayed before me.

I guess if I could only see equipment boxes or listened in a sensory deprivation room, I might want lights off/eyes shut. But it would seem unnatural to me, as I work harder to see the musician array. That’s my take on the subject. :slight_smile:

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