Have you connected a PONO to your Sprout?
I have. It sounds incredible, but honestly if I had gotten the Sprout first, I don’t think I would have bothered with the Pono. I only found out about Sprout from the Pono forum. It seems like one DAC is plenty, and moderate to CD quality digital music from my iPod sounds pretty darned good via the Sprout. But maybe the Ponomusic store will encourage me to buy more high-def FLACs, if they get their act together and put the resolution in the search filter, and bring the prices down a bit.
That’s basically where I am at. I bought the Sprout instead of a Pono, but I am intrigued by the portability and the possibility of eliminating streaming my hi-res files to the Sprout and eliminating the Mac mini from the chain. It’s unfortunate the Pono does not have digital out.