Eversolo DMP-A8 or PS Audio Airlens w/DS Junior

So I am looking at amping up the sound of my streaming setup - question is how much of a change? The above is one consideration I would love to get any feedback on if anyone has any experience with both or either options.

I currently stream via the built in Bridge2 card in my PS Audio DS Junior - either via local NAS or via Spotify/Tidal Connect. I am feeding an Ayre integrated amplifier, to Aerial Accoustic 5t speakers with Sumiko S9 sub. I also use an Ayre universal CD/SACD player as source. I would describe the sound from my streaming setup a little less refined/detailed vs the sound from the Ayre CD. All systems are connected via XLR/fully balanced connections. Any thoughts/comments appreciated.

I think this is common for most using a high end cd player or transport. I find that most if not all the CD’s I listen to will sound more detailed and refined over streaming. You will have to spend a lot more on the streamer and dac to close the performance gap IMO. Good luck and enjoy!

Have you looked at the Aurender product line; ACS10 for example? Your equipment is on par with the ACS10.

I have a modified Auralic Aries G2 with the Hoerwege power supply. It’s not suffering but it’s also not as good as a very good CD! It’s close but there is a difference.

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This is how it should be, for me at least. Nice to have great streaming sound, but I also need a reason to put a disc in the player. :metal:

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I would think the G2 is superior to the [Eversolo DMP-A8 or PS Audio Airlens w/DS Junior. But I’m new to the streaming game. I’m looking to replace a win11 LT/Jriver/local drive file storage with the Aurender ACS10 myself.

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You are heading in the right direction. Aurender is well represented at Axpona every year and all speak highly of the Aurender streamers at the show. Nick at TMR also has a Aurender streamer and loves it.

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Thanks kindly for the vote of confidence. Shhh not too loud…the voices in my head may hear you. So why would you give up the G2 for the others? Have your voices raised their volume?:scream:

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Amazon has the DMP-A8 in stock so try it for 30 days and see what you think. If you like the streamer side and the comprehensive software then you are getting a second DAC for free.

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I have no intentions of giving up the Auralic unless I get a Grimm MU1 or MU2. The other streamers like Inuous and Aurender would more than likely sound similar to the Auralic IMO.


The Eversolo gear, particularly the A6 is an inexpensive way to get your feet wet in streaming. I don’t think the A8 is the same as it costs way more than the A6. The A6 is almost throw away priced. I don’t believe the A8 offers a big enough advantage for what it costs. To get to the upper end of what streaming can offer you have to spend a lot more money. For some, it’s worthwhile. For others, not so much. The rest of your system is more of a concern when trying to determine the correct price point to jump in at.

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I mistakenly responded to @paul172 regarding the title. I thought he was considering the change. Oops. That’s what happens to me being in a car for 10 hours that is uncomfortable. Even if my wife is doing all the driving.

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