Possibly April 10th was a suggestion not a commitment?
It’s there now! V2.5.0 and FW 208
Is your I2S configured “correctly”? If not, all 0’s looks like all 1’s and hence the bottom bits aren’t zeros for Redbook…
I think Barry meant to add a note that some updates of options might not preserve the settings you used to have. I don’t know the details of this update, but it’s likely that some (or many?) had combinations of options that didn’t get set correctly. Sometimes that’s obvious, e.g. the volume getting fixed to one value, sometimes a little less obvious like the maximum volume getting set to 0.
Hi Ted, is the wifi update option enabled in the latest firmware?
No. That’s scheduled for the next UI update later this year.
The Stereo Bit Perfect test file is in the “Tools and Guides” tab of the Downloads section of the Support menu on the main site.
I didn’t change anything from the last version. Is it configurable now?
Yes. Navigate to Audio Input/I2S Polarity… I edited my previous reply to you a bit ago with a little more explanation, but some people will have some options not translated over correctly during an update.
Since we are doing two updates should there be only one file on the USB drive at a time and do two updates or is it safe to put both files on the same drive and update that way.
Put all the files in the root of the drive. Put it in DS and power cycle. (Rear switch) The power light will blink about 50 times and then it will reboot. Then go to system load FW and pick 208.
It’s safe to have both there.
Okay. Thanks Ted and Jeff.
Another way to notice auto power on with the I2S inputs is the small pause when you change to an I2S input that’s set to auto on.
I’m impressed. Most features are working now. Good job!