Firmware updates and fixes for the new Directstream MK2

In my opinion. Yes.

ok, for my comfort I always left them connected.

Been refreshing since midnightā€¦ Where is my precious firmware update!? :sweat_smile:


Bet you have worn out your refresh button.


I think they must have meant 4-10-2024.

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Bugs ā€˜Easterā€™ Bunny got away with the updateā€¦:sweat_smile:

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It is April and we all know what that brings!

Snow in Alaska?


I was thinking more of April fools jokes. You canā€™t take anything as real without being skeptical.

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PSA is obviously waiting for me to return from vacation to release the FW :grin: One more week will do!

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If itā€™s any consolation dCS shipped out the 510 version of the Network Board last week. It loaded over ethernet without issue.



While we are waitingā€¦ Letā€™s guess what firmware number Ted will release? My guess is 205

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04/10/23 can also mean 4th October. So only 175 days away. Indeed, Ted did go over No. 200 a few weeks ago.

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Iā€™m surprised no one from PS Audio has made any announcements about the delay. This is how rumors start and also how companies loose customers. I understand deadlines are hard to meet sometimes however communication is very important especially if they make statements that donā€™t become true and keep silent. Just my 2 cents.


This is not unusual for PSA. Wonā€™t be the first time. Old timers like me just chuckle and wait.


100% agree. I run a shop with over 100 developers and 40 products for an internal base of over 10k users. Communication strategy and user adoption for products is just as important as the product itself. I get being late. My team is late, but if you let the end user know in a prompt manner than its fine. I know airlens is late, Paul communicated why, and it is what it is. The whole world dealing with that.


To potentially avoid a little confusion with the new Mk II software when using itā€™s automatic power off (on) of the I2S and USB inputs:

Note that if an active USB input is powered off your PC will see the USB device go away and you might see a new USB device show up which is the bootstrap USB device for the USB chip in the Mk II. Then when the USB port is powered back on the PC will see the Mk II USB again. When a USB audio device comes and goes there can be a lot of rearanging of input and output audio connections.

Most people who plan on using USB now and then should keep the USB powered up always.

Those who donā€™t use USB ever can set the USB to auto power up and if they then select USB as an input it will power up, but otherwise it will be quiet.


Thatā€™s perfect. Us non-USB users with shorting plugs can finally stop using them.
Thanks for the clear explanation.

I donā€™t have a MKII anymore and for some odd reason I feel like I am waiting for the release as well. I am super curious about all the fixes and what everyone thinks.

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