I’m as content as any audiophile looking for the Holy Grail, but as for speakers, I think I’m good for awhile.
Hi Chris - Is there anyway I could email you directly with my concerns. I am very impressed with your knowledge and would love to have you guide me for my retirement system.
Yes, you can email me at chrisb at ps audio dot com and we can chat. My expertise is primarily in speakers and so might want to loop in one of our audio consultants if there additional system questions that would benefit from their insights.
Speakers you say? I wondered who was focusing on them. Hmmmmm.
100% agree with this … had the 801 Matrix s3 for 8’years love those speakers but today just can’t listen to B&w speakers and it the tweeter…
I’m looking to listen the Sonus Faber Serafino G2
Maybe I’ll get lucky in Munich
I got past my “I need another preamp” and “I need another power amp” mentality that I has gone in and out of my brain since Axpona, and simply enjoyed listening to music this evening on the FR20’s.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of the FR20’s arriving.
One of the best audio decisions I have ever made.
same here !!!
I purchased a pair of FR10s and after using them for the last month or so have decided to upgrade to the FR20s. I previously had 802D3s and greatly prefer the less forward mid/treble presentation of the FR10s and the incredible bottom end kick they bring as well for their rather diminutive size. I have high hopes for the FR20s, but now the waiting begins…
EDIT: Anyone using GAIA II on the FR20? I picked up a set for the FR10 and am unable to return them. Hate to buy a pair of GAIA I if I don’t have to, but I know the FR20s are just over the limit.
The FR20’s are wonderful. Just pure magic.
I have used the GAIA II with the FR20. They seemed just fine with the speakers.
I chose to use a floor mat & no feet (and lost my audiophile card in the process), but to me, getting the tweeter height and ear height at the exact same level is WAY more important than using feet and having differing heights.
Interesting. Is the vertical off-axis that noticeable? I know planar drivers can be tricky. I haven’t experimented with that on the FR10.
I know that Chris worked on the tweeters to not be limited with their vertical dispersion, but I am a bit overly-fussy in this regard, and believe that I have achieved the maximum magic possible (at least I tell myself that).
Welcome to the forum. Inquiring minds want to know, are you keeping the 10s and just adding the 20s or were you displeased with the 10s somehow and replacing them?
Thanks! I have been lurking here for quite some time and have owned a LOT of PS Audio equipment through the years so I am not exactly new.
As for the FR10, I think they are fantastic, but I want more. My room accommodates it and the FR10 was really me dipping my toes into the PSA loudspeaker pool not knowing what to expect. I like them enough I want to move up the line.
I’d keep both, but frankly don’t know what I would do with the FR10.
I’m sure a lot if us would love to hear how those 20s compare and just how much more they are capable of giving. Just a suggestion- adding one more FR10 to those coming FR20s would probably make a killer home theater system.
I like your way of thinking, but the FR20s are going in a dedicated listening room. My living room is already composed of KEF R11, R6 Meta, and R7. If my office were bigger I would say they could go there, but I have R3 Meta in there and they are more than enough for that room. If I didn’t think my significant other might kill me in my sleep I’d put them in the bedroom. LOL
Haha, don’t get killed in your sleep.
I have a set of the FR20 at home. I shouldn’t play favorites with the children but do anyway
They give you more of what the FR10 has (though they certainly have a family sound. Of our line, they are the closes replacement for something like an 802D3 (with both having a pair of high performance 8" woofers). The larger midrange panel is a bit more refined (than the unit in the FR10) and the overall speaker is capable of much bigger and effortless dynamics with sufficient power. They do like power (if you tend to want to crank things up) and I am using a BHK250 at home currently.
The bass is voiced a little leaner than the FR10 (but more extended in the sub bass) and you can place it closer to wall(s) as a means of adjusting the tonal balance to your liking.
Thanks for the insight Chris. Leaner bass is something I am looking for as the FR10s tend to overload the room some despite being 2’ off the back wall. I will be powering the FR20 with my HiFi Rose RA180. I am currently running it in BTL (400wpc) and it has more than enough oomph for the FR10. I will be curious to see how it fairs with the FR20.
As a long time Mapleshade fan, I prefer the included floor spikes…I very much like the brass cone point directly into wood floor…while I love my FR20’s alone, I do prefer them with a pair of REL S/5 SHO subs…amps are Pass XA160.8 mono blocks…incredible speakers and after a few hundred hours you’re in for a great treat ( though they do sound very good after a 20 hours)…
Took Chris’ advice and picked up a Michi P5/S5 to give the FR20 a bit more power. I should be ready for them now. My stack is now a HifI Rose RS130 → PS Audio DS DAC MKII → Michi P5 → S5. I also have the latest SACD transport too, but it doesn’t see a lot of use. So far the Michi really transforms the FR10. They sound much fuller and more balanced in presentation than they did with the RA180. Can’t wait to experience the FR20!