Excellent word, Dirk!
In our country, it’s illegal marketing. I have to refer you to PS audio marketing that it can product. That’s why I bought it and only for that reason. I will therefore require full replacement of PS audio. All money returned.
Same here in Australia, very strong consumer protection laws. Products must “match descriptions made by the salesperson, on packaging and labels, and in promotions or advertising”. So on that basis, you’d be due a refund if an advertised feature didn’t work.
But if you’re running with the legalities argument it’s something you need take up with the local distributor, as it’s their responsibility to comply with local consumer protection laws. Assuming you purchased the product in your local market.
When I was contemplating buying a P20 I asked about PowerPlay support and the local distributor could give me no assurance that it would ever work again. So I made the decision not to buy it. I also have a difficulty with products claiming things but not delivering.
My purchase motif was that you can remotely control power, ie switch on and off all appliances over the internet.
“ELK EVERYTHING the wise head - I draw 95 percent from everything he writes of lies here in the forecourt.”
Rain piece: We are in the summer house from April 1st to October 31st. For example, 180 days of 330 watts per hour in standby. In Denmark, electricity is expensive and I am well aware that in the United States you do not care about the environment. You are the world’s biggest polluter. Environment pigs that are there are. PS audio has until April 1, 2019 to solve the problem or is it money back etc. so simple is that.
" Powerplay Unavailable
With our apologies we are temporarily disabling internet access to Power Plants and PowerPlay units worldwide. With the many thousands of units around the world the load on our servers has finally exceeded our capabilities of keeping them current and up to our standards. We are in the process of rebuilding new servers that will solve this problem and, while we’re at it, should provide a better user interface and easier access to your performance data. We apologize for this inconvenience.
This will in no way impact the safety, performance or sonic improvements offered by the Power Plant AC regenerator. Your products will continue to operate and provide their amazing benefits as they always have.
While our servers are down you will still be able to access the unit’s extended control features such as zone naming and web access to turn on and off zones. Scheduling and performance data will be unavailable.
To access the control features of Power Plants and PowerPlay units you can use your local home network and any web browser. Instructions for local access of your Power Plant or PowerPlay device follow.
If you have any questions please contact us at service@psaudio.com. Thanks for the understanding and we will return service as soon as possible."
There are various simple software tools that can connect you from the WAN side of your router (wherever that is in the world) to the LAN side, and hence to the power plant. So for appearances sake it’s the same as connecting to the web pages of the power plant wherever you are in the world and doing all those things you can do as PS Audio has described in the marketing. Meaning you can switch on and off all devices connected to your power plant without needing any further involvement from PS Audio. What you can’t do is get access to the features that require on-going logging of data, because the PS Audio servers are required for that and they don’t work.
Your power plant can do everything the marketing says it can do, except - for the time being - remotely capture and view historical power quality data.
@michael-denmark give me your WAN IP and login credentials and I can turn on and off whatever you have connected to your power plant right here from Australia, or anywhere else with internet access. And PS Audio need have no involvement at all in me being able to do that.
Wow, I now see the light. Guess I have to stop my back-yard fracking operation…
In Denmark it is illegal … The US is totally behind. We have natural solar cell etc.
Umm, so do I, and the PV panels don’t work worth a damn if covered with snow
For those who think the US of A is the biggest global polluter, I suggest a (brief) visit to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or any number of the urban garden spots in the PRC. I’ve been there. Try not to breathe deeply.
BTW, love it or hate it, by fracking natgas the US has lowered carbon emissions significantly. From Forbes Magazine (Oct. 24, 2017):
“According to the 2017 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, since 2005 annual U.S. carbon dioxide emissions have declined by 758 million metric tons. That is by far the largest decline of any country in the world over that timespan and is nearly as large as the 770 million metric ton decline for the entire European Union.”
Tech - fracking being one example - is a double-edged blade, with good and bad outcomes possible. Globalnet and Powerplay are just another example. Our friends at PSA apparently had an “oops” moment, although the intent was good. Regardless, they graciously allow complaints to be aired in public and are open about shortcomings. A rare thing. And commendable. Although I will add that they owe their customer fan base a more complete explanation on where they are going with this service.
Here’s another suggestion: let’s keep politics and incendiary topics out of these forums lest the Manbearpig visits these pages. It’ll make a mess of things. This forum is one of my last refuges from politics, fake news, not-fake news, etc. The listening room is another.
Right on!!
If you would, please post a how-to. I bet there are a number here who would find this of interest.
Well said… I never get involved in any discussions about religion, politics and audio cables. That’s how wars start.!
This is the 1st time I have ever seen political rhetoric in this forum. I love this forum because we argue, debate, discuss… and we never talk politics. In addition we keep the dialog factual because we all like to learn including myself. If you look at how Galen discusses topics, that is how you should conduct yourself. I have a P20 and it is amazing. I know Paul and the team are going to get the Globalnet and Powerplay up and running soon. In the mean-time maybe Brodic can help you. Our aim is to help on this forum; therefore, please move in a very constructive direction. It looks like Elk is trying to help you move in that direction.
Thank you for your suggestion that we return back to civility and be on-topic.
I’m curious about your certainty regarding PowerPlay coming soon. I just accepted delivery of a P15 regenerator and when I ordered it I was told PowerPlay was not getting much priority. Has that changed or did I misunderstand? I can live without PowerPlay for control as my Harmony Universal Remote turns it on and off with my other equipment, so I don’t understand that need. The web interface does not provide the historical demand view that PowerPlay did for my P5 and I do miss that.
My assumption was months; some of it due to computer issues and then of course moving across the street. I loved the historical data; control… left it on all the time; however, I see the point Micheal is making and I get it…
@Paul - do we have a time-frame on the Globalnet and PowerPlay?
Cardi, I think you may have your “wires crossed” with Michael or some other member ?
I don’t need help from Brodric or Elk because I don’t have issues with Globalnet due to not being an owner of any type of power plant.
My comment was only a jokey - tongue and cheek throwaway remark.
But this has got me worried now that the content and structure of my posts are confusing, difficult to comprehend, humourless, with obscure undertones just like reading a bad beef post… But without numerous acronyms…!
Dirk, your humor is wonderful. Do not hold back.
I try to read your posts with the proper accent. You do not want to hear me reading them out loud however.
Here, here! Gotta say, the subject post was the first to send me looking for a “block” option on these fora…
…which, to my knowledge, has never been a necessary feature. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t chalk this up as an “ESL” issue.
Stepping down from my soapbox…carry on.
All good, not you at all… just didn’t like the USA comments… I’d like this forum to be constructive and it usually is with some fun from time to time… not a prude… just need to keep the USA comments and politics out of it… I should have used the reply at the bottom, my apologies… usually you are funny as heck and Elk is right… keep it up…
I think we are agreement. The first shot was uncalled for, we have a response, and it is time to stop.
I’m sorry I was not quick enough to catch the beginning to address it.
I suggest we leave the posts as they are and move on with the topic of the thread. I hope Brodric shares his method of controlling a PowerPlant over the Internet.
Agreed and I need to use the replay at the bottom for an overall reply, not a directed reply. My apologies Dirk. There is a lot of smart and well intention people on this forum and I appreciate your help Elk keeping it on track. I’m also going off topic from time to time so I am guilty too… just like the forum cause I learn a lot about many different approaches to 2channel and we all become smarter listening and trying to help one another… and sometimes it’s fun too…