Help choosing a Power Amp

Talked to Doug for about an hour lol. Great guy

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Thats gorgeous. My guess is ill have a heck of a time finding one in my budget lol.

Kinda looks vintage and modern at the same time.

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Oh, Man. I wish you had not dug that up.



Me too. Im writing him


In my opinion, the only way to know how they’ll sound at home is to try things in your home.
Many years ago, I listened to a Cary Audio amp and preamp in the store and thought they sounded good enough to demo at home. When I got them into my system, they sounded significantly better than in the store and never went back.


Check serial# with Axxis Audio, verify serial# on p4200 and packaging match prior to purchase. Some 120v units were/are produced for the Canadian market, in which case any support would need to come from the Canadian distributor. French speaking and in my experience, very difficult to get response from

PM me if you want more detail. Accuphase is wonderful gear, but purchasing used can be challenging in some respects. Asking price is on the high side

Even I want that Accuphase P-4200! It is a brilliant example of past values but absolute state of the art performance. Mmmmmm


Accuphase offers a nice and rather pleasant sound, most appropraite fo playback of those harsh CDs some refer to in these parts. While on the warm side and offering a window into the music’s detail. I found the Accuphase class AVB integrated amplifiers to be good, but upon hearing the class AA 50 WPC E800 I thought this could be it. The class AB units had a bit of grain masked by that Accuphase warmth. To put it in perspective the Luxman integrated L509X offers better detail and slight bit of warmth with a lower noise floor. I understand the reintroduction of Luxman has resulted in Axxis adjusting their Accuphase pricing downward, 25% reduction across the board. Both seem to be very nice, but ultimately I went with a different integrated.

Beautiful casework.

And for those that demand silver. I still have and enjoy the L509X.


THANK YOU. Im talking to this guy now. Good feedback and he seems legit but im in a bit over my head. Little worried about 90 wpc but the amp is specced really well.

I sent him your questions. Thanks

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PM sent

Great input Al. Thank you.


I did get the detail while auditioning the Wilson Audio SabrinaX speakers, but I wanted a bit more. As some imply it has a bit of a retro sound, which in itself is not a bad thing. When I auditioned the Accuphase line the price changes had not yet been announced. I left thinking the line was overpriced in comparison to the competition. That said the E800 was remarkable sounding.

Thanks to all for input. 4200 is definitely a contender. Looking at Mac and another option.
Making progress…


Given the efficiency of your current speakers, I wouldn’t worry too much about whether 90 WPC is enough unless your room is very large and/or noisy or you are concerned about adequate bass response/LF “grip”.

The latter can be addressed with a decent pair of subwoofers if need be.


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I’m a tube guy, so I haven’t made a recommendation. And my recommendation would be a long long wait time for delivery so wouldn’t be prudent as Scott says.

The only solid state amp I have ever heard that tempted me away from tubes was a Coda. So I would back up Mark.

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Thanks to everyone for the help.

P 4200 purchased.

If something goes wrong, Its all your fault.


Btw. Was sold originally by Axiss in 2018. Serial numbers all match etc


Thank you for the post and help!

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Very exciting.

Looking forward to your reporting on your listening experiences once things settle…


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Thanks. Ill do that if anyone is interested. Can definitely do a A to B comparison on 4200 vs tubes.

Should be here Friday. I got a discount and free shipping. 2 day air. Im pretty excited to hear it.

Glad i initiated the post. Or im pretty sure I am …lol