Help choosing a Power Amp

I won’t mention any names, but some of us love to spend other people’s money.



Im sure. But hopefully its money well spent. We will know soon. Im more worried about shipping at the moment. Thanks for your help…

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I’m uncharacteristically excited for you.

I have long thought an Accuphase amp or two would one day be my end game.

I want to end up with a decent amount of Class A watts and lots of current - preferably mono amps or stereo amps engineered to be bridged and produce a great sounding amplified signal.

So, I am curious about your new purchase.

BTW, I assume you noted the amp you bought can be bridged? (Hint, hint)




Thanks. Im a bit more excited as you have some amazing stuff! If you aspire to Accuphase than maybe im in the right spot.

After making the choice to “amp up” i decided after a decade, its time to end the explorer mode. I was not sure if my budget allowed an end game component but i had to give it a ol college try. Hence the post. I love my Rose streamer. Had it two years…that is record. I may get a different one without a amp and with balanced outs. We will see. Moabs are sounding great. I dont consider them end game but who knows. In short I hope to build out from the 4200 to a long term system.

And yeah, i know folks bridge them. I could of got two but that may be a bit much for me at the moment. Cool to think about it though.

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Anyone want a pair of Quicksilver mid monos let me know. I believe i have the boxes so can ship if need be.

I may throw them in marketplace. Great sounding tube amps. Not exactly elite like you guys have but good fun and a great reputation.

PM if interested.

Excited for you. I think you will be most pleased with it. Just give it a fair time to break-in.


Just remember, 1 Class A watt equals 10 Class AB watts.


Im just lowly ol AB, but I have heard some sweet sounding AB amps. Also had some Pass A/AB. All sounded excellent. Hope this one does to. Hopefully risk = reward in this case.



It’s the new math!


Yes…kinda like we or they… :thinking:

Damn. I hate shipping. UPS 2 day air and the amp is somewhere in the ether. The seller seems real. The package / site said due today.
Still says due today but details just say “departed Indiana”.

UPS clueless and just told me i should see it by Monday. Seriously…

I wanted a higher level service than ground for a reason.

Needing Valium in Colorado…




Hope it goes smoothly from here.

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Thank you. I just hope i see some sort of movement. Hopefully in the morning.

Having fun looking at preamps but for a ghost amplifier.

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Movement. Its local but now Monday delivery. 5 days for “two day air”

Would like to have final set up = Rose to pre. Pre has remote volume and xlr to P 4200. Then im set till i decide to “finalize” speakers.

So far, the Pre that looks good is Benchmark LA4.

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My 2 cents, if you can stretch a bit you can probably find a pair of BHK 300s for $6k ish.

I recently picked up a pair from a forum member and they were a massive upgrade from the following: Boulder 865 int, the coda int, and both the Boulder and coda amp sections going into the BHK Pre.

The BHK 300s into the BHK Pre are way more dynamic, more alive, bigger soundstage, etc. I doubt I could go back from monoblocks.

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Surprised to hear you placed them ahead of Coda and Boulder. That sort of floors me actually but we all listen differently.

I have certainly had a few PSA products but not the 300s. I love mono blocks too but i have had some very good integrated and power amps.

Im actually heading towards a power amp that can be bridged. Best of both worlds thing , if thats possible.

Thanks for the input!

Once it all settles out and you are listening all will be forgiven.

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Thanks. UPS isnt even trying for some reason. But its in their depot 5 miles from me. I dont think can avoid bringing it tomorrow lol. Its packed well and 75 lbs. Maybe they are just mad at me…lol

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