Is there such a thing as an i2s hub? On my Direct Stream Dac, i2s input 1 is used by the PS Audio Memory transport. i2s input 2 is used by the Matrix X-SPDIF 2. I would like to get the AirLens and attach it without switching cables.
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There are HDMI splitters (1 in - multi out) and switches ( multi in - 1 out). I don’t know how they impact sound quality.
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Isn’t PS Audio one of the main I2s promoters and even they don’t make this, but you could make a suggestion, but I suspect that demand for such a product would be limited.
Given the experience of Ted and other forum members that there’s little if no difference in SQ between USB and I2S, do you still need the Matrix?
In my audio video system I employ a powered splitter (1 in 2 out) that does not seem to impact sound quality at all with excellent HDMI cabling.
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