Incredible Tracks For BACCH Listening

I’ve been listening & thoroughly enjoying my BACCH4Mac Audiophile w/ORC & HT. While there is so much awesome material to enjoy, I was wondering what are some tracks others have enjoyed & maybe have found some treasured ear candy? I understand there’s a track out there which demonstrates whispering in your ear, for example. Anyone know the artist & song?

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If you stream, what platform do you use (tidal, qubuz, spotify, etc)

Welcome to the Forum @Linden ! There are lots of BACCH enthusiasts here.

A thread was started in early 2023 devoted to identification of songs that sounded particularly great when played through the BACCH system. You can find it here:

Within the thread you’ll see reference to a playlist that @Steve08226 maintains that includes as many of the recommended songs as he is able to find. It’s grown to be quite lengthy. I enjoy just loading up the Playlist and letting it play random tracks.

Feel free to post any tracks you uncover and I’m sure Steve will get them added.

As for the “whispering track”, that’s from a David Chesky album, “Dr. Chesky’s Sensational Fantastic and Simply Amazing Binaural Sound Show!” You can find it on Bandcamp and many other sources. Edgar likes to play it for new users when he is getting them initially configured. As you know, it’s quite compelling and helps demonstrate how playback via BACCH can provide additional spacial cues to two-track audio.


Ah, thanks so much for pointing that out ViperRGD! Precisely what I was in search of, thanks again! ~Linden

Hello softlight64, I’m using Tidal with Roon. I had an SOtM streamer before I had my BACCH4Mac Audiophile w/HT. When setting up the BACCH, Edgar said there was no need for the SOtM any longer & stream completely through the BACC4Mac. What a plus!

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Sorry it has taken awhile to respond — things got busy here. I was going to send you a playlist link, but then decided to suggest just two tracks for you to try. If you are impressed with them, perhaps a playlist. But you know, people have REALLY different musical tastes. Nothing wrong with that, just a fact of life. Try these two, both excellent recordings that just might appeal to you (both are on Roon).

  1. Hailey Tuck That Don’t Make it Junk
  2. Larry Carleton Sunrise

Thanks softlight64! I’ll check them out the next time I listen!! ~Gryphon

Hello softlight64,

The Larry Carelton cut was nice, but I’m afraid Hailey Tuck doesn’t move me. I’m an Ella fan! But Linda Ronstadt, Carly Simon & Mary Hopkin are my style of female singers. The last good song by a female that I enjoyed was KT Tunstall, ‘Suddenly I See’. Thank you!

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