Interesting Articles

uk cops censoring music again…


The “Key Change” article was very interesting. It raised points that I hadn’t given any thought to in the past. Rap, and modern day computer music, have definitely made melodies monotonous. Perhaps this is the reason why so much pop music is forgettable.

Just as an example, look at the Beatle’s " Sgt. Pepper" album. I would venture that almost every one of those songs goes through two or more key changes, at a minimum. In fact, looking at the Beatles catalogue from '63-'70, they are in the “thick” of the graph.

Good article!

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Being a folkie, and not very well versed in music theory, I am very open to key changes. The same with outlaw music. Even with studio recordings, key changes can make the recording seem more live and authentic. The Nitty Gritty Circle album has more key changes than most; in fact they talk about starting here, going there and ending there. That is class and talent.


One of my favorite Jazz pianists who died tragically in 2008 has a new album out.


Might have to click on it to see it clearly. Works better on a larger monitor. I found it interesting to say the least.

That IS interesting! Was going to ask what the age distribution of Spotify users was, but I guess this graphic makes that fairly clear as well.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: RIP Christine McVie

Another piece on AI that scared me. I don’t think this was posted. If so, I apologize.

In 2018 I was invited to the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights NY for a briefing regarding Watson’s ability to diagnose psychiatric and neurological conditions. What struck me immediately was the follow-on conclusion that if Watson could make these determinations, what would stop these tools from determining if someone was lying? Or if someone was predisposed to commit crime? Sounded very Minority Report to me.

At dinner that night, all of my colleagues were a bit shaken by what we had seen.

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Whoa, computational psychiatry. Very Minority Report.

So, what would stop AI from lying? If an AI instance/platform could benefit from lying…

I’ve been to IBM Almaden Research Center a dozen or so times.

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So many concerns, so little time.

That trip still haunts me.

IBM has reached a deal to sell the healthcare data and analytics assets from its Watson Health business to investment firm Francisco Partners, the companies announced Friday.

— Asking price…ONEBILLIONDOLLARS !!! [ emphasized in a Dr. Evil manner :blush:]

I had heard about this some months ago only because the Watson Headquarters is basically around the block from me.


It’s probably some front for a shadow government.


Recently released from OpenAI. Founded by Elon Musk in 2015


This may be a higher level chatbot with more specifically useful responses; but the majority of bots outs there utilized by corporation/companies in lieu of actual help personnel - are downright awful! Once you’re past the cheerful greeting, its all downhill from there.
It seems that at this juncture, nothing will replace an actual living, breathing, sentient being for nuanced problem solving.
We have a long way to go before the HAL 9000. :wink:


Activation date for the HAL 9000 was January 12, 1991 so it’s already working in Urbana, Illinois.