THANKS for Vienna Teng!

To whomever suggested Vienna Teng a couple of months back I just want to say thanks! Fabulous artist and music.



Wonderful musician. For those unfamiliar with her style, check out this short video

Vienna is absolutely wonderful! If you get the chance see her live, even better than her recordings. I can’t say that for too many non-classical performers. (I could probably also say that about acoustic jazz but not enough experience …)


Shenanigans…I call shenanigans!

Purdue University Class of '86

[Still going to check out her catalogue, though. :slight_smile: ]


Haha! Ironically, neither her undergrad degree from Stanford (BS Computer Science) nor her graduate degrees from Michigan (MBA and MS) were music-related. I guess it’s nice to have a backup plan in the event this music thing doesn’t work out :rofl:

In the spirit of keeping things balanced the late Dave (Blood) Schulthise, who played bass for The Dead Milkmen, was an economics PhD candidate at Purdue.:+1: Boiler Up!


That might have been me. I discovered her recently on a PS Audio playlist on Qobuz and immediately went to listen to everything she’s done. I wish she’d do more. Every album has its own personality and sonics that do wonderful things for the system and ears.


Purdue BS 71, DVM 74
I have been using this Vienna Teng recording to evaluate equipment for several years,


Okay, based on the recommendation from this thread I ordered one. Amazon had one for $6.50 (used) so that is a good deal!

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Another musician/economist to add. In the UK. Quite a bio.

Holy cow this is good stuff, thanks so much for sharing! I almost skipped exploring her music, as the short video link posted above didn’t really do it for me. So glad you mentioned “Dreaming Through the Noise”. Brilliant! I’ll be exploring the rest of her small catalog for sure…

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Boiler Up!
