I’m wondering if the electrical phase (220V) connection on the PWD has an impact on the SQ?
My electrical power plug is not easy invert, so I would prefer to know if it worth it.
This diagram describe the holes (part to plug in PWD) of the power cable in front of you, resulting to have the phase on the bottom pin of the PWD.
Power cable plug (PWD side, not wall side):
/ E E: Earth
| N P | N: Neutral P: Phase
Is this configuration your preferred and the one recommended (didn’t see advice in PWD manual)?
I think the phase on the pin at the bottom of the PWD (230V) sound best.
May I ask where is the location for this p10?
If its here in the USA the n and p is backwards . its gnd on bottom nd neutral left and p or hot right
@al It is in Europe (in France for my case). I don’t know what you mean by “p10” but the diagram is showing the end of the power cable you plug in the PWD. This part should be the same every where, right?
Each letter represent the hole in the plug when you look it in front of you.
@wijnand: We are in phase
Honestly I do not know why it would make a diferefence at all. As there is no polarity like here in the USA
If the voltage is 230 volts. It is two of the three phase. So it will not matter. But I do have a question if you measure the voltage from gnd to either one of the phases of the outlet , do you still get the 230 volt potentetial ?
I didn’t made any test with PWD but it is usually known that inverted the phase may cause a worst SQ. Some devices are more sensible than others.
I believe (to check) you’ll get 230V potential if you use the ground as reference and one of both P or N. We have some security component to detect leak of current to the ground on metallic devices.
It’s funny you mention that. In your situation it does not matter as both are phases . But here in the USA it does. In fact I have a device made from the lampizator guy . It does just that. It is an outlet strip with switches . You flip them back and forth till it’s sounds best. Paul why do you not make one of these. I mean we are grinding cd,s and putting bricks on amps . How a out some real technical stuff. I think the p10 or p5 should have that option. It has to do with the windings of the PSU transformers being wound different .
This should be a topic of discussion.
Actually, both are not phases. There’s really a Phase and Neutral and may be I’m wrong when I said that there’s a potential between Neutral and Ground. I didn’t test but reading few discussions on the web, it seems that Neutral would be connected to the ground (so 0V potential).
Sorry I’m not an expert and can be not reliable about that.
That makes no sense and there must be a potential to gnd or there is no ground or redundancy to gnd. However I do not live there and will do a little research when I gat back from dinner. I promiss
Phase on the pin closed to the mittle
This for a 230V unit. My poweramp will Humm if I switch phase and neutral.
The Neutral is linked to the Ground at the powerhouse point. So they are theorically at the same potential.
Have a good dinner
If the voltage is 230 volts. It is two of the three phase. So it will not matter. But I do have a question if you measure the voltage from gnd to either one of the phases of the outlet , do you still get the 230 volt potentetial ?
Al, I don't know about Europe but I believe that is not correct for the US. 110-20 and 220-40 use the same phase. For 220-240, I could be wrong but I think each of the two hot legs is 110-20 volts relative to ground but together they add up to 220-240. I think it has to do with which of the secondary taps on the step-down transformer are used but the transformer is only connected to one of the three phases on the electric pole (or equivalent).
Ok here is the deal. Gotta love the internet. Its the same as here , it’s a four wire system. But the voltage is different. It’s 230 phase to ground and 400 volts phase to phase. So there is a neutral just like here . And that is why the picture he depicted looked the way it did. So you have going into your home three wires.
They constitute the two altaerenating phases and a common also called the neutral. The ground becomes the neutral at the firstlint of power distribution in your home . Example the main service disconnect. At this point the neutral and the ground are at the same potential . And the ground should be connected to a water pipe and or ground rod. At any rate. The outlet you have should show where each wire gets connected . As I am do not know the outlet config you have.
@Al: Yes it’s just a question of voltage. It is 220-240V (phase to neutral). Only industrials or professionals get a tri-phase network (3 phases and one neutral).
The Home environnement have in most cases (99%) a Phase, a Neutal and they use a ground connected to the earth (ground rod) for security purpose (it is mandatory for some devices).
The drawing below is exactly (at least I tried to be closed to the text version of the photo attached here.
Power cable plug (PWD side, not wall side):
/ G G: Ground
| N P | N: Neutral P: Phase
Thus, I usually choose to have the Phase at the right hole of the plug which mean to have the Phase at the bottom pin of the 220V outlet on the PWD.
@ALRAINBOW Thanks guys, great help and discussion here. Al, to answer your question about why we don’t make this an easy change or make a device that just does this for people, the reason is it’s illegal. As a manufacturer we have to make sure our standards for hot and neutral are adhered to or we might find ourselves in a bit of trouble.
You know Paul. How dumb am I , it’s against the nec code sorry lol. But as side from this is there any truth to improving sound. Surly with all the ideas you have had. Does it have any Merritt ?
@wijnand why does it hum. Even if the device is grounded with a 3 pin connector . How or why would reversing the hot and neutral matter to make it hum. Do you know why ?