Could you please check your device manager in windows? See if you have a category named “other”, in that category an expanded driver named “DFU” with an exclamation point that is not functioning.
The file is not needed so that is the god news. I like to keep things tidy so I would just delete it. Not so simple. Every time upon removal windows puts it right back by itself. Broken and all!
This file is to update the firmware on the DSS/DSJR from the PC. Which would be highly inadvisable even if it did work. I just want to remove this. I have even tried several third party removal tools/programs to no avail! It is stuck like glue!
Anyone have any idea how to get rid of it. Does anyone else even have it? If so, is yours broken as well? Rest assured no mater what, it has no bearing on the functionality of the DAC itself.
Thank you