Just updated my DirectStream DAC to Redcloud and now it wont play in 24bit.

As I said, I just updated my DirectStream DAC to Redcloud and now it wont play in 24Bit.

I’m using a mac and when I go into the ‘Audio MIDI Setup’ it shows 192000.0 Hz and 24bit but the DAC shows 192000.0 Hz and 16bit.

I’ve tried restarting both units…no change.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Any thoughts on what I should do?



Sorry, don’t know how to delete post******

It shows 16bit and as soon as music starts playing it goes to 24bit…which is fine with me. :slight_smile:

Sorry about this.



Good to hear all is well.

No need to delete the post. Someone else may learn from it.

Ryan said

It shows 16bit and as soon as music starts playing it goes to 24bit…which is fine with me. :slight_smile:

Ryan - According to Ted Smith (the DAC’s designer) this is perfectly normal and is supposed to happen. I recently noticed the same thing. That was only because I normally have my screen’s dim setting set so the screen is off when the DAC is on. But when I upgraded to RedCloud I had the screen set so it was on and noticed the same thing. Lo and behold I asked the same question and was told this is perfectly normal.