LPS and Power Conditioner [Separate from PS PW 20]

I have a PSA P20 that drives my main system.

I am testing out an HD Plex (300W) and looking for placement suggestions. Here is my system

  • PSA P20
  • Amps and Preamp (Ayre)
  • Roon NUC
  • External HD (also use Qobuz)
  • PSA DS DAC (MK2)
  • PSA AirLens (on order)
  • Ethernet switch
  • Cable Modem > Eero 6 Pro Mesh (base) > Eero 6 Pro Mesh (hub) (no hardware to router connection possible) > Ethernet Switch and Roon NUC.

Currently, everything is in the same room and connected in a single system. I’m connecting my NUC to the DS DAC (MkII) via USB. With the AirLens I no longer need to connect the NUC to the DAC.

I see two options for the LPS:

  1. LPS at main system.
  • LPS > NUC (19V), Ethernet Switch (variable), and (if I can get I can get an LPS cable that terminates in USB-C), to the Eero Pro Mesh hub (variable).
  • Unfortunately, I don’t think I can use the LPS with the external HD (spinner) (G-Drive 8GB), since that (like the NUC) is 19V and I don’t have an LPS with 2 fixed 19V rails. Not sure if I can use the drive with the 12V dedicated rail.
  • Note: Everything above is currently going through the P20, but the LPS could be connected to the wall outlet (dedicated circuit)
  1. LPS at router.
  • Since with the AirLens I don’t need my NUC to be connected directly to the DAC, I could use the LPS at the router and move the NUC to that space. In that instance, I would use the LPS as follows:
  • LPS > NUC (19v), Cable Modem (assume 12V?) and hardware the NUC to the Router.
  • Unfortunately, I don’t think I can use the LPS with the external HD (spinner) (G-Drive 8GB), since that (like the NUC) is 19V and I don’t have an LPS with 2 fixed 19V rails. Not sure if I can use the drive with the 12V dedicated rail.
  • Note: there’s currently no “clean power” source coming out of the wall where the router is. This would be a connection to a non-dedicated circuit / standard in house wall outlet.

Power Conditioner for Option 1 or Option 2
I also have an Adcom ACE-615 I could use before connecting the LPS to the modem and NUC and router/Eero hub (agin, if I can get a USB-C connection and the voltage requirements work out). I was going to use this in trade toward the AirLens but can keep it if this is likely to help a long when used in conjunction with the LPS (in Option 2) or simply with the router and modem (in Option 1).

Yes I can A/B test the two but I’m curious about whether most would recommend (if using an AirLens and not connecting the NUC directly via USB to the DAC), using the LPS on the modem and moving the NUC further back in the network path, or leaving the NUC next to the main system and (if possible) connecting the NUC directly to the downstream Mesh hub.

I ise a HDPlex300 plugged into a P20 to power a Bacch4mac, BabyFace FS Pro and Small green computer i5 running my roon core . My DS MK2 is connected by USB to the Bacch4Mac. My Netgear Nighthawk router/modem isp owered by a Separate R core 12 Volt 6amp LPS plugged to P20. Black 100VA 12V 6A Low Noise R-core DC LPS Linear Power Supply +display L165-26 | eBay

The Router/modem sounds best on its own separate Rcore LPS than run by HDPlex300. I had Larry at HDPlex wire the 19 volt rail as 12V .

To make LPS sound good you need audiophile AudioMagic M-1 fuses and upgraded DC power cables. I use Ghent Audio Gotham cables, The 5 way shields keeps wiFI RF out of DC power. Change stock DC cables and fuses to zlPS are a bigger improvement than LPS improvements alone

Better yet DC power cable for streamers is DC-MSG115 --- Mundorf SilverGold Teflon Solid-Core 15.5awg DC cable (JSSG360)