It’s not very often I start a new topic in the PS Audio forums here. And I did run away from the forum recently after divesting myself of all my PS Audio gear, thus feeling I no longer had any credibility to remain here (and I know that made some of you happy). Firstly let me qualify that, I continue to own some minor peripheral PS Audio gear like interconnects, power cables, Dectet, Duet and the like. But, all discontinued stuff, I don’t own any current stuff any more. Well, I did up until yesterday when my DMP departed for somewhere else. I’m not out all-together, my P20 order will be placed when GlobalNet is back up and running, whenever that is.
I recently embarked on a major rejig of my music system. Not because I felt anything was lacking, for no other reason than a whim that blew through my window on a breeze. It’s no secret I’m a big fan boi of Magico speakers. When you buy a pair of Magico speakers you get, at no extra cost, a Magico branded micro-fibre cloth in standard issue Magico orange and black. The purpose of such thing I’m unsure, maybe like a toy a kid might collect out of a Wheeties pack with the aim of collecting a whole set. So, here is my toy set:
Those three humble pieces of cloth represent a significant investment (about $160K USD). Consistent with my mantra that I’ve expressed over many years when asked the question by a member of our community “what should I upgrade next”, to which my answer will always be “buy the best speakers you can’t afford”.
Following my own mantra I think I’ve ended up at the end of the upgrade road.
Magico M3. It’s the little brother of their flagship speaker, M6. 145kg of steel and carbon fiber and diamond and carbon nano-tubes and whatever else goes into making a pair of these things. If you didn’t know they were speakers you’d think they’d come out of the Lockheed Martin shunk works, a part off the latest generation top secret black ops stealth aircraft. And here they are, having joined the family 2 days ago:
Together with all the other bits and pieces that make the whole shooting match work.
Whilst there is an empty space on the table where DMP once was yesterday, the sound of the DMP in this system I might unreservedly classify in boxing lexicon as “punching way above its weight class”. The new Esoteric Grandioso P1X SACD Transport will be sitting there in 2 months, hopefully.
The M3 are sitting on casters. For 2 reasons, to make it easier to move the speakers for final voicing and in-room positioning. And secondly, because there was no 3/4" hex tool in the accessory kit to undo the outriggers! No major drama, they need 100-300 hours for the tightness in the drivers to loosen up. Time enough to buy said tool and do what is required. The speakers sit on a product that Magico call Mpods, which is a coupling device to anchor the speakers to the floor whilst at the same time decoupling them from whatever it is they need to be decoupled from. I have the new “spiked” Mpod. The first-gen Mpod don’t have spikes, instead they have an inverted stainless steel dome and a hand grenade pin that needs to be removed after final positioning. The Mpods were an optional extra and added almost $10K to the price. They look like this:
Anyway, to close-out on this initial post I’m on day 2 of the break-in journey and it’s a thoroughly enjoying experience. Here it is from another angle…you can see my Halcro and Esoteric stuff there as well, and the Kaleidescape GUI that is my digital source for the whole show. Until the P1X comes. And the snake pit of cables which are comprised of Crystal Cable Ultra Diamond, Acrolink Mexcel, Shunyata Sigma, and PS Audio AC-12 and others.
Thanks for reading.