Would love to see photos of everyone’s system I will start with mine:
Pre - PS Audio GCD
Amp - Pass Labs XA25
Speakers - KEF LS50 (will be adding a larger floor standing when home addition is done and have a larger room)
PS. I searched and could not find a systems photo thread only separate or one off threads. Please move or close if I am wrong.
It has been great. I put it together over the last couple of months. The sound is great in my small basement room (12ftx12ft). I was able to find all the components used so it kept the cost down.
I didn’t realize what I was missing in the music I listen to. Really the imaging was probably the biggest surprise. The clarity and lack of grit has been fantastic as well.
Currently using a Mac Mini running my Roon Core. I also have a Sony Bluray player for CD’s but I am in the process of ripping my CD’s. I would like to get a turntable but that will probably be in the future.
The speakers are Sonus faber Venere 1.5’s, and are bolted to the matching stands. The white quartz slabs under them I had custom made. They’re 1.5" thick and weigh close to 20 lbs each.
I love that lamp. I just recently got that and it works like a charm!
Project RPM3 turntable
PSAudio NuWave Phono Preamp
PSAudio Direct Stream Junior - upgrading in May to direct stream Sr.
Intel nuc for streaming audio and 4k video - Roon for music, Jriver for Video
Dish network hopper 3
Monster HTS1600
Anthem AVM60
Sony MDP 550 Laser Disc player
Anthem PVA7
Xbox one x
Samsung QN65Q9FNA
Focal Sopra No. 2 + Sopra Center
SVS ultra 16
I also agree its nice to see other’s kit and how it is displayed.
So here is mine.
The speakers are Von Schwilkert VR-2’s with MasterBuilt by-wire speaker cable.
Yeah, it took me a while to rip my thousand CDs. But somehow I even liked that process. Feeding the machine… Do you use the mini also as Roon endpoint?