MKI parts

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Parts on hand:
Digital input board
Analog output board
Expansion board for Bridge
Misc cables to connect things

Jesus R

PS Happy Fourth

Sad to say but my Mk II parts are sitting in a box in my basement. If you were to offer a chassis at a reasonable price I’d be interested.

stevem2 said Sad to say but my Mk II parts are sitting in a box in my basement. If you were to offer a chassis at a reasonable price I'd be interested.
The chassis issue is easy enough to solve. The real issue is the lack of front panel display to allow system control....

Jesus R

Understood. That problem was discussed at length when the DS kits first came out, with no resolution.

I used the power supply in a project box to make a 5v supply for my CAPS music server. I really liked the effect of clean power to the SSD dedicated for the OS. It’s a keeper.

stevem2 said Understood. That problem was discussed at length when the DS kits first came out, with no resolution.
They gave up to easily:) I'm missing one cable that I will try to find tomorrow in my boneyard so I can test things. It appears to me that the unit boots into ready mode and defaults to an output. The default output might be the last output used, but I'm not 100% sure. If I'm right you don't need the front panel LCD or the front panel switch to play music with the left over parts. Also, I seem to recall some people controlling the unit via a network application in combination with a bridge?

Jesus R

Thanks very much Jesus. Looking forward to further developments. Btw, it was never a question of whether PSA could have made a substitute chassis (with display board), just whether it made sense for them. Apparently they decided it didn’t.