My half decent (for the money) system

I have just had to rejoin the site, and just thought I would give a wee bit of info on what my gear is. am UK based
I started out with a basic hi fi, 6 years ago after a hiatus of a few years (1996 roughly), and got a PS S300 to give my 2 channel sounds a boost
I now have a SGCD, a pair of M700 amps, Digital front end with a Intel NUC and Audirvana, Innuous Zen MK 3 which is coming in the morning . The speakers have gone thru the Amphion range of Argon models, the 1’s, 3LS and finally the 7LS, various decent cables fro the likes of Cardas, Vinyl Passion ( UK based in Nottingham) and some just purchased Audiomica Labs Dolomit Reference 2 meter.
On the A/V side I have an Anthem MRX 520, Wharfdale Diamond speakers (new) Amphion Argon 5C centre and twin Rel S 8/12’s serve both music (high level) and a/v (LFE)
The next upgrade will be a new Dac/pre to replace the SGCD

1st setup


Welcome to the site, lock your wallet up this place has an amazing effect on your spending.


Nice system!

already bought my 2024 and 2025/6 Christmas pressies, and my B/day pressie, got a Innuos Zen coming a bit later :grin:

Welcome, and thanks for sharing your system. It looks terrific and probably sounds excellent, too.

With the addition yesterday of the Innuos Zen MK3, its taken it to yet another level, and like most audiophiles, am 100% happy… At least until next year :rofl: then look at the dac upgrade I have been thinking of (not a PS one tho sadly)

I tend to find a mix of equipment I love and stick with it for a while ( 5 - 10 years) before upgrading.

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