As much as I loved my Luxman, I decided to take the next step with a Gryphon Diablo 300. And WOW!!! The power seems to be endless, the dynamics are staggering, but what really impresses me more than anything is the sense of space. It’s like being at the venue. Walls and ceilings of my room are completely “gone”.
Sounds amazing. Keep the details coming.
I have achieved this with both a BHK Preamp to the M1200 or Conrad Johnson preamp to the M1200 driving classic Infinty speakers
(with the right recordings)
Nice. Yes. Let’s hear more. How much class A is the Diablo -I do not recall. I’m not sure I’ve heard anyone disappointed w a gryphon. Where did u get it?
Other than the guy(s) trying to muscle it into position! And actually, they were probably impressed by it too…
If I remember correct, somewhere around 10W in Class A. It’s fairly high. With the Watt Puppy’s being relatively efficient (albeit not an easy load), I bet I’ll stay in Class A most of the time.
I bought it used. New, they are really expensive (not arguing with the price, the build quality and the sound is there to justify it, just my wife wouldn’t be happy spending that kind of money).
The Diablo 300 is the second lowest amp in the Gryphon line (!). Shipping weight was 118lbs. So yes, I had to wrangle the amp in to the rack. Definitely not something I want to do all too often.
By the numbers it’s the most powerful amp gryphon makes.
I have not studied the Diablo too closely but I believe Gryphon considers it a Class AB amp. One hell of a clean and powerful Class AB amp. It is a very smart money purchase.
Thanks Al
Yes, it’s indeed a class AB amp, but its biased fairly highly so the first 10W (or so) are in class A. LOTS and LOTS of power indeed.
It’s an end-game integrated for sure.
My new Pass integrated amp is classified AB, but is biased to 15Watts Class A.
For normal listening I doubt either of us will get out of Class A.
And you have it in a Salamander rack. Let us know if there are any heat issues. I have a similar rack.
No issue with heat. There’s lots of space around it and above it
Great to know! Thank you. I was considering the Diablo 300 equipment downsize. The only issue is the Diablo would still cost more than a pair of BHK 300’s and a BHK Preamp.
But there’s savings in power and audio cables as well as fuses.
I think it’s competitive price wise.
Very true. Interconnects and two less power cables. If I was crazy enough to do fuses for the pair of BHK 300’s then yes the Diablo 300 would be a savings!
Got me. I am crazy enough I’m not wealthy enough. If I win the powerball M1 fuses for everyone!
How about Diablo 300’s for everyone?