New DS from Linn

And it is OK to mention other brands, even Linn, including sandwiches.

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Which was the point of my original comment. I’m ok with occasionally mentioning other brands on the forum. I’ll leave it at that before I spiral further downward.

AS long as they do cheese toasties I’m in :slight_smile:

The only sandwich I remember eating in Scotland was a mince sandwich in Arbroath. We were desperate. Always struck lucky with curries in Scotland, if it has to have a K in it, I’d recommend the Karmasutra on Sauchiehall Street.

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‘You excel at it’! The reason Linn closed their forums was due to an English dealer breaking – Omerta. Leaking classified information about new and pending products, said dealer passing on secret Linn emails to rival manufacturers, etc, etc. As told to me by a senior Linn employee.

Said dealer stripped of his Linn agency, broken in spirit his life spiraled out of control. He finally reached rock bottom, debased, - now procuring French “Deviant” amplifiers for the sad, lonely and pitiful people who buy them. :face_with_head_bandage: You may well know the dealer… :slightly_smiling_face:


Dirk, are you allowing me to return the favor to correct words on purpose?

But I think you mean to say “Deivalet” amplifiers.

I like those units, they remind me of the old flat B&O life style all in one amplifier of the 1980’s. Just way more modern, even more compact.

If I remember correctly you have Naïm amplifiers now, nothing wrong with them either. are they driving the Klipsch Cornwall’s you reported about in the past? Or did you change that whole system.

My spelling was correct. To me they are “Deviant” amplifiers.
No to Naim amplifiers. Well, not seriously since mids 80s. I use Rega amplifiers, Pas Labs, Dynavector, etc.
Yes, I have Klipsch Cornwalls Mk IIIs and Mk IVs. Then again, I have several makes of speakers, Shahinian, Wilson, etc, etc.
I have a “proper system”. I don’t have to worry about the cost :slightly_smiling_face:


Everybody has to worry about cost at a certain point I guess.

“Proper gear” is gear that performs as advertised. It is OK if it costs a lot of money if you can afford it, but it should keep performing for a considerable time.
Most equipment we buy stretches our budgets, as we seek the best for our budget. So did the Stellar, Gain Cell DAC which had minor issues with certain functions, but completely failed within 1.5 years of normal use. So I had to let it go and invest a considerable amount (compared to my budget) to replace it with an alternative.

The art is to buy something that satisfies our needs and fits our budgets. For me, today that is the NAD gear I recently bought. For Steven the Deivalet gear and for you the REGA and other brands you named. For most members on this forum that is PS Audio gear as it seems to work for them.

We all take our pride in this irrespective of our budgets.

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Once again, I corrected your spelling mistake… :slightly_smiling_face:

Most of what I say is playful, tongue in cheek! At times goes waaay over your head… :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, you are obviously a fan of SS. That’s OK, he needs one.

As I see it, he is always the main protagonist in every one of his posts, always speaks in the first person - posts littered with “I” “My” “Us” “Ours”.

I could write much more about Steven “Hugh Bulldog Drummond” Segal - but, Elk will intervene! :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe not, I mentioned further above:

I hope that clarifies your judgement of “waaay” over my head. Humor is no problem for me😎.

I am not a fan of anybody, I like to be friendly and see the positive thing in what they are saying.:v:

Happy Easter my Scottish friend.


“Haste ye back we loue you dearly, haste ye back on friendship’s way.”


This is all very amusing, arguing about brands, because I’ve never been brand-conscious, especially UK brands, because on a count-back in recent years I appear to have spent mostly on American brands (Wilson, PS Audio and Shunyata).

As to @Dirk’s reference to Bulldog Drummond, I had to look him up. Apparently a very British fictional character from WW1, when half of my relatives were still in Austria and Germany, and others recent arrivals to the UK. I am named after one, a tailor, who made uniforms for WW1 soldiers, quite the hero.

Last time I looked Devialet was French and when I bought it the choice was between that, AVM (German) or Hegel (Norwegian). Devialet won out mainly on the streaming capability. I don’t remember looking at any USA products, they seem to prefer separates rather than compact systems. I’ve always put that down to their real estate often being much cheaper. They are much more family-orientated products that seem increasingly popular.

I was about to buy a Rega amplifier for my office with a Lindemann Limetree streamer/DAC (German). The choice of Rega was simply because it was Class A/B, I went for another Class A/B brand.

The system I had the longest, 12 years, was Primare, Danish or Swedish (I forget).

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Strange! You said your family came from Belarus.! Touch of the 2chan4 going on with you…
I’m certainly not arguing about brands, I will leave that to you and Rudolf, I only answered his question. You are constantly banging on about your hi-fi brand. It’s a major topic with you.

The first person I know in my family who had a British passport was a resident in Cape Province, a rather forgotten corner of the former British Empire. I have antecedents from other less friendly empires. You make the common fault in multi-cultural societies like the UK of stereotyping people you don’t know (with reference to fictional characters) without any knowledge of their cultural or national heritage. But don’t worry about it, there are many millions of us and we’re used to it.

You seem to know a lot more about me than I do. What is my brand? The only one-brand system I ever had was Linn, and that lasted only a few months as I disliked the speakers.

Settle down lads. Or take it to PM.

Finished. Job Done. :slightly_smiling_face: