New high end PS DAC in the works

As long as you don’t take this too literally I can share this crude rendering with you. It’s the 5" chassis we’re fooling with. You can see the family look, but now cleaner and even simpler. Behind the black glass is a screen that we will selectively use as needed. This is a very different approach to what we’ve done in the past with touch screens. They used to be a pain in the ass, hardly working until mashed hard with the finger. Cool, but crude and a pain.

We’ve been learning in the past near-decade of release of the original PerfectWave and learned how to make these objects of desire and beauty. A proximity sensor (defeatable if you wish) will sense your approach and gently illuminate the minimalist display, then return to wherever you set the brightness when you’re done. You can go from jet black to always on, to only on when there’s new information available or needed.

Again, just an artist’s idea of what it might look like.