New Studio location?

Is this video old? @Paul mentions the studio is going to be in the PS Audio office, upstairs?

I thought the studio is a different building, separate to the office building

Nope. You’re right that the studio’s in a different building at the moment but by the end of this year we’ll have moved it to the PS mothership. We’re also building an all new listening room at PS that we’ll call the Listening Lab. Gonna be amazing.


Good luck for the hard work, I’m really curious to know all the details and follow the work step by step!

Congrats. You guys spent a lot of money doing up that studio in the separate building. I hope you got all your money back selling it?

Thanks, Luca. I’ll do my best. The walls are finished, we’ve decided to not add a hard drywall lid for the ceiling and instead we’ve ordered acoustical tiles from


Nope. Unfortunately, it’s a leased building so all we have sunk into it is going to vanish. Sigh. It’s a tough decision but at the end of the day we’ll be better off.

This whole thing started when we got tired of losing low bass through the bouncy wooden floors of the upstairs listening rooms. If you’ve ever been to the main listening room it sounds great but much of the low bass is lost (anyone downstairs of that room gets it all!). So we wanted to rethink the listening rooms and put them on a solid concrete slab, and that’s downstairs. This leaves the upstairs listening rooms empty and abandoned (and we invested a ton of dollars in those too). They would make for the perfect studio setting and since our lease is up at the end of this year at the studio…


Thanks @Paul , and what about the bass issue in the new upstairs studio? How will that be tackled?

love the two blue “gas tanks” in the middle of the room :slight_smile:

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@Paul I’m confused about the configuration of the new studio.

I’ve visited the current building a few years ago so I have a basic idea.

(Although I ended up spending most of my time in Gus’s mastering suite having my mind blown as he played recordings for me - permanently burned into my psyche).

Octave studios will be on the mezzanine where the soon to be previous listening rooms are located? If so, is there an elevator nearby for musicians to load in and out gear?

Given multiple comments about the current listening rooms sucking the bass out of playback, I’m kinda curious if the studios will be located in the current listening room(s).

That’s what I gather based on this post.

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