Notice: DirectStream and MACs

rogerdn said

I would love to get rid of my computer/Mini for play back, that’s why if the SQ is up to it I’ll get an Aries, but that might be hard to do.

Not for me.

It feels as though I haven’t had the Mini setup for very long, and it was a huge improvement in both SQ and convenience over spinning discs.

SQ-wise, it came along with a lot of other upgrades, so I don’t know how much that had to do with it. In terms of convenience… I like to make sets, and used to have to move all about the room, switching CDs every track or two. While it kept me active, it kept me out of the listening spot.

For me, the advantages of the Mini far outweigh the disadvantages, and as long as SQ is good…

Rob H. said
rogerdn said I would love to get rid of my computer/Mini for play back, that's why if the SQ is up to it I'll get an Aries, but that might be hard to do.

Not for me.

It feels as though I haven’t had the Mini setup for very long, and it was a huge improvement in both SQ and convenience over spinning discs.

SQ-wise, it came along with a lot of other upgrades, so I don’t know how much that had to do with it. In terms of convenience… I like to make sets, and used to have to move all about the room, switching CDs every track or two. While it kept me active, it kept me out of the listening spot.

For me, the advantages of the Mini far outweigh the disadvantages, and as long as SQ is good…

Oh couldn’t agree more on SQ improvement, for the heck of it I played the S Lynne Just A Little Lov’in CD on my OPPO recently, not as good as a PWT probably, but could not believe how inferior compared to the Mini, like a thousand veils were lifted. My point was you have to be an IT guy to keep computers running which I am not nor want to be.

rogerdn said My point was you have to be an IT guy to keep computers running which I am not nor want to be.
Agreed there!

Even though I’ve been in the computer business since early mainframe days (Burroughs, Unisys, etc.), I don’t like messing with machines anymore. Mac does make it simpler, but there are still gotchas.

Some of my more puckery moments are when something doesn’t work on the stereo. I simply don’t rest until it’s resolved. There’s a lot at stake there, in terms of both music and money.

Rob H. said
rogerdn said My point was you have to be an IT guy to keep computers running which I am not nor want to be.

Agreed there!

Even though I’ve been in the computer business since early mainframe days (Burroughs, Unisys, etc.), …

Yeah, same here, since the days of IBM and the BUNCH (Burroughs, UNIVAC, NCR, CDC, Honeywell – as you know). I was an OS programmer at Honeywell for a year after I graduated from college, then moved back east.

Anyway, everyone, sorry for the off topic digression.

– Chris

Yeah, I suppose we could’ve PMd on that last part, but it’s part of history now, just like my previous fondness for computers.


Roger - You have PM.

No problem!

We embrace a bit of character self-revealing. Plus, it is arguably on-topic. :)

(My first computer ran CP/M. DOS did not even exist, much less the IBM PC.)

While we’re digressing (happens all the time and no harm done) and showing our age, the programming I did in college math and physics classes was on CDC and IBM machines running Fortran (with the programs on punch cards, of course). I imagine my iPhone probably has more computing power than those old behemoths.

Ahh, Fortran… just the mention of it brings some interesting memories. :)

I don’t know… I was always an RPG-II guy. Later was an evangelist for relational databases with Burroughs and Digital Equipment.

Has anyone compared Audirvana+ and Bitperfect with the DS DAC?

I’m using A+ and tried a DSD track with the DSD over DOP option checked. It didn’t sound as good as what I heard on a Playback Designs MPD-5 DSD DAC. I’m wondering if Bitperfect would do a better job using their DSD Master.

alcarp said Has anyone compared Audirvana+ and Bitperfect with the DS DAC?

I’m using A+ and tried a DSD track with the DSD over DOP option checked. It didn’t sound as good as what I heard on a Playback Designs MPD-5 DSD DAC. I’m wondering if Bitperfect would do a better job using their DSD Master.


Do you have some more comparisons to report between the DS and the MPD-5? This would be of great interest to read.


Frode said
alcarp said Has anyone compared Audirvana+ and Bitperfect with the DS DAC?

I’m using A+ and tried a DSD track with the DSD over DOP option checked. It didn’t sound as good as what I heard on a Playback Designs MPD-5 DSD DAC. I’m wondering if Bitperfect would do a better job using their DSD Master.


Do you have some more comparisons to report between the DS and the MPD-5? This would be of great interest to read.


No, sorry. I don’t own a Playback Designs DAC. A while ago, I heard a Harry Belafonte track - Sylvie in DSD on this DAC and it’s sounded amazing. You could hear his trademark throaty voice dripping with feeling. I’m not getting that with the DS.

It may be Audirvana or my cheap USB. Don’t know.