It’s the label, you have to google for shops.
The problem with Koetsu is that it’s not ideal to replace the stylus. I like Paratrace re-tips but they do not last long.
I had a Koetsu Urushi, it had been retipped, I then got a new cantilever/tip from VDH, wore that out and it then got broken. Sent it to a repairer for scrap/parts and he advised to rebuild. It came back last week. Cost £1,600, almost half of which was a Fitz Gyger boron cantilever/stylus, which are much longer wearing. The rebuild included complete diassembly and rewiring with the same wire as Koetsu and it measures almost the same. The tracking weight is lower, too much weight and it sounds terrible. The original damper was used, it would be less sensitive to tracking weight with a new damper and I may get that done. So far it sounds great.
Original? No. Good? Yes. Really done for long-term value. Not spending £5,000 for a new one.
I would only send back to Koetsu…total refurbish is $5,000
My model costs about $12,000 to replace with new
Getting Urushi redone by Koetsu is barely economic. They just put in a completely new internals. Rebuilt independently can sound better and last longer, which remaining close to the original.
The good guys make their own cartridges, mine was done by North West Analogue, who make some very good cartridges.