Just playing around with my p12 and was wondering if the output voltage is okay to change? And if yes, is it okay to use whilst operating / feeding my components power?
It’s sitting at 230v where my input voltage is down as low as 210v.
Thinking it might be interesting to see how adjusting it down a little might change the sound.
Keen to hear any views / findings people have on this issue.
Personally I would wait 2-3 weeks before changing anything as it can take the P12 that long to burn in. Changing things now would mean you’d be unsure why any changes in SQ occurred.
I would let the P12 have at least a few weeks of burn in before making big adjustments - it’s kind of bright for the first bit of time. But, in the meantime, if you want to play, you can take the voltage up and down in real time and see what you think. Most source and control gear could care less of the incoming voltage. Amps, on the other hand, will likely sound a bit different - and sometimes more volts isn’t always sounding good.
Play around. The limits to volts are built in to the P12.
Once you give this guy a few more weeks in the system, I’ll be curious what you think. Though you’ll probably want to make changes now because it’s fun, I agree with nyc in waiting a few weeks before adjusting anything too much. Too many independent variables is going to give you confusing results.