P12 vs P20

Thanks for sharing your findings

Gee and I just got the earwax out of my ears…now
I it seems I need to get me some bees wax…

Wax on wax off …oh me …oh my…

Thanks again waymanchen …

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I run the Ultimate premier to the DSD. Sounds wonderful. I am getting close to pulling the trigger on a P20. I found I can fit one on my cabinet between mono amps. I am encouraged that you can run your whole system. How big are your amps? Can you list all peripheral equipment you are running and what percentage of load capacity you use playing it in a spirited manner. Do you run a HT amp too? I just routed the 10 gauge wires and installed 5 power ports. Now considering this.

Does the P20 come in a separate 20 amp version. I only see a 15 amp inlet on the back. Does one specify a 20 amp wired P20?

Will P20 operate past specs of 15 amp or are they posted running off a 20 amp breaker?

Does P20 come with a stock 20 amp cord?

What size beeswax does the P20 take?

I asked same questions of sales support but had not heard back.


I am using a 200w per channel SS power amp which is next to the 65" 4k TV, the most current draw. I have the usual TT, phono stage, SS preamp, DS, DMP, Oppo 205, server, and LPS power supply’s. Running full tilt with everything on, including TV, the meter reads 325w. I Probably can run 5 of my systems on this P20!! I was running the same equipment except the TV on the P12 and never had a single problem. Just watch your wattage gauge and keep it under 1500w. All you need is one power port and one 20 amp circuit for the P20. I didn’t see any power cords that came with the P20. I think only the US model has a sliding door to choose the 20 amp connection. I would get a power cord with a 20 amp connector to take advantage of full current capacity of the P20. But for the other countries, there’s just one connection.
The US version takes a small 5x20mm T 6.3a fuse. I’m not sure about other countries, but I think it’s a 4a small fuse.
If you get a P20, get a Beeswax Ultimate Premier fuse for it, it really blew away the SR Orange I compared it to!

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Thanks for the reply. Most of my listening is 2 to 12 Watts bit have peaked the amp meters and triggered power guard. The amps have enough onboard storage to do 2KW dynamic peaks. My speakers have current sensors on lows mids and highs if overdriven.

The response from sales it sounds like P20 has similar shutdown if load exceeds capacity and will recover. I have a six channel McIntosh surround amp that will also need high current

I did not realize the plug cover slides for 20amp power cord. I cleared some zero interest card debt today that will free up to allow order tomorrow. So I can do the deed. I just got my speakers off horizontal dollies. One forgets how awesome over 7 foot line arrays look. I am looking forward to seeing what the fuss is about. I will get another need wax and a 20 amp cord ordered. I do admit if it sounds as good as 2AM Sunday power that alone would be satisfying.


It will sound way better than 2AM or whatever else AM you choose. You will appreciate another level of performance from this amazing P20, especially with the Beeswax fuse!! Looks like you will have one hell of a time coming up!!

Thanks. Given my experience with RAL HDMI i know we have ears and systems that react to improvements similar. I have to do another rotator cuff surgery soon. You can’t sleep for two weeks after so I need around the clock distraction. The P20 and beeswax will help lessen the misery.

A P20 is an exciting addition to any system. Makes magic!

The P20 comes standard as 15/20 amp with a slide cover in the rear. You move the slide to reveal either the 15 amp inlet or the 20 amp inlet. Your choice.

The P20 is built to 20 amp specs but internal software restricts its output performance to match the input. So, if you’re running it on a 15 amp circuit it will limit the output to the 15 amp spec if you’re using a 15 amp cord. But internally, it’s all 20 amp. We have to do this to keep you safe.

The unit ships only with a 15 amp cord. Hopefully the folks in sales get back to you with the fuse spec as I do not remember.


Thanks for the response. Sales did respond. The online literature should be clearer regarding this aspect on the sliding cover or depict both in digital images.

They did say the following but I had not asked about fuse size. It would be interesting to see how much lower distortion the 20 amp provides over 15 and if the load percentages equate.

“The Unit does come with a stock 15 amp cable. The Specs are the same using the 20 amp. It simply has more non restricted current which can produce less distortion. There is a 20 amp receptacle on the back of the p20. You simply slide over the cover that is on the 20 amp when using the 15 amp and likewise if you are using the 20. I do think running the P20 to a dedicated 20 amp line at moderate levels it should handle your system. If the P20 reaches over its capabilities it will go into protection mode and shut down safely. It will then require you to power it back up.”

I have had so much success with Linear Power Supplies, cables and interconnects I am hoping the P20 further leverages noise floor reductions.

I will try running some of the digital units of separate 10 gauge 20 amp dedicated lines and analogs of P20. Compared to everything on the P20 to see if noise floor is different.

Oh boy! Make sure you have some help installing the beast! With how significant the improvements are with a P20, I think you’ll be well properly distracted. :grin:

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Thanks James! luckily the injury lets me deadlift it is over the head motion and rotational movement stuff that leaves one agonizing in pain. That is the challenge.

The P20 I have A furniture dolly and will be placing it between my even heavier Mc Monoblocks Which will load and reconnect in tandem.

The order is placed. All the same the P20 will have to earn its use past 30 days. Which from others experiences should not be hard. A few have Had issues with amp induced transformer hum. Excited to get one of these new at this price.

Keep us posted. Give it a few days to settle in and once it does, I don’t think you’ll be needing to move it again.

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For those of you that don’t have a 20amp power cord, you can use one of these adapters that is only $29. I did and I swear the sound is even better, but it is so good already, it’s hard to say. But make sure you have at lease a dedicated 20 amp circuit to plug into or it’s possible to over stress the circuit. And make sure your cord is at lease 12 awg which most hi end cords are.

You were so correct. I had no idea what I was missing. The P-20 and the Bees Wax Ultimate Premier SHD with a 20 gauge BAV power cord is simply amazing. I have been listening without any LF DSP. Never possible before. The regenerator, fuse, power cable and new dedicated line combination made the bass simply right and perfect for sane listening levels. I attribute this to noise floor drop and mids and highs being clearer at lower volume level. My other discovery is a HDPLEX 300 really makes the Matrix perform. Plus it works on my router, streamer and UltraRendu. Four separated LPS rails in one box. It is a workhorse like the P20.

I found my system consumes about 800 to 1000 Watts with all equipment plus a Plasma TV. The power draw even hitting 1000wpc peaks per amplifier is hitting 1600 to 1800 watts on P-20. Therefore hooked to a 10 AWG dedicated 20 A line the P20 handles it. Extended listening at those level might be another story. But the huge storage Caps on my monos seem to make it all work since music swings in peaks and tone bursts are not the normal in music.

If I were having a house party and using pool audio system into P20simultaneous which is driven by a old school Yamaha pro amp. The P20 might need some offload to other dedicated lines.

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Looks like you’re a real head banger!! WOW!! 1000wpc!! All the joints in your house must be loose!! LOL. Yes, the P20 is one monster of a regenerator! Glad it worked for like it did for me! Getting the Beeswax first saves you the trouble and cost of getting it later. It is by far the best fuse I have ever tried!

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I am happy that with the P20 that dynamic sources do not require great care. I do not listen that loud though the amps and speakers will easily continuous output and handle larger swings. most of my listening is 5 to 12 watts and that still shakes plenty. . A symphonic piece can and does swing widely. That is why I love line arrays with power divided over 40 drivers a side. There is no going back to point source for my taste after being spoiled with effortless dynamics.


I found power cords has a very dramatic effect on regenerators. I’ve been playing around with the different power cords to power the P20 and I ended up with the WW Platinum Electra 7 as being very neutral and highly detailed sound. I just found one even better, and cheaper too, the Cardas clear beyond XL. It has all the resolution and maybe even more, but with all the body and fullness Cardas is famous for. Incredible musicality!! I also just ordered a Synergistic Research Galileo UEF power cord that has the ability to tailor the sound to more detail or more warmth. I’ll try it with the P20 and report back. It has a 20amp IEC, my other cords have only 15amp IEC’s.

Doubling Power vs. Doubling Output – JL Audio Help Center - Search Articles (zendesk.com)

Also you may want to check:
Double amplifier power does not double the volume - Geoff the Grey Geek

Okay how is this post relevant in a power regenerator topic? What point are you trying to make?

If in reference to line arrays they have 3 dB gain over point source at same wattage.

This was in reference to this statement:
“WOW!! 1000wpc!! All the joints in your house must be loose!!”

It was meant as a joke. LOL! I know most amps regardless of wattage will play as loud as your ears can handle into most speakers. My point is with the P20, the dynamics feels less restrictive and with less compression, especially with well recorded drum whacks!!

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