we are lucky with this tolerant group of people. The other day, I checked a Roon community topic on audiophile network switches. Attitudes were so toxic, I may not go back there.
Your place must be brimming with good sound (no joists falling or trusses collapsing). I personally used to think twice the watts meant twice as loud, and always made sure the rating of the speakers matched amp watts! I learnt I was wrong at the age of 57!
Yes logarithmic scale for measuring dB.Line arrays help a lot for better sound balance and not losing the highs. But. room acoustics or DSP is the final word. I finally got my room correction set back up after listening without anything and trying to see if I was missing anything. I found I was missing only truly great sound without it. Power cures buried info with it to an extent but true balance across the spectrum is the final word.
Got my Synergistic Research Galileo UEF 20amp IEC today for my P20. It brings the performance of the P20 a few notches higher!! I didn’t think there is another cord that can beat my WW Platinum Electra 7’s by very much, but the Galileo is in another league!! Much more natural densely populated images in it’s own space!! Amazing cord, especially with the tungsten tuning bullet attached. It also has active shielding that is powered from an AC outlet. The sound now playing files off the DMP is the best I ever heard it!! Too bad it cost so much or I would power everything with this fantastic cord!!
I’d send that Platinum electra back for new connectors at wire world. The 20Amp adapter was doing it no favors, is my bet. I have read reviews that theirTOTL connectors take them higher. Congratulations on your new cord.
At $6000 a power cord, the system should be called SE, LE, or Brougham. I wonder if insurance would accept a contents upgrade that lists a bunch of cables and fuses for 30 or 40 grand
I admit having a adapter is a detriment to the performance of the cord. I did tried the WW powering the DS and am very pleased with the result, but not close to the increase in SQ I got when I installed the SR. But that is to be expected considering the price difference.
I forgot to mention that I was using the WW in the 15amp slot of the P20 before, and using the 20amp adapter, I can’t swear by it, but I seem to hear a slight improvement in the dynamics department. The sound is very close though, so I left in the 20amp slot with the adapter until this new cable.
I just turned on the TV this morning and I was a little startled!! The picture is richer and more real looking!! The new power cord is powering the P20 and the TV is plugged into the P20, so it is also benefitting from this upgrade.
Sorry for digging up an old thread. I recently bought a new P20 which I’m using alongside my two-year-old P12. The P20 powers the amplifiers and the P12, my source components and preamp.
When looking at the oscilloscope graphs on my P12, the waveforms show up instantly. But on the new P20, I noticed a 1 second delay. Switching between incoming, outgoing, difference and status screens are sluggish as the graphs remain empty for a second before the waveforms show up. I wonder why?
For me, it would be nice if the oscilloscopes of both my P12 and P20 were equally snappy. Is there anything I can do to speed up that of the P20?
I finally got my P20 in place and turned on, which replaced my P5. What a beast the P20 is! I have some large pieces of equipment, but the P20 dwarfs them all.
I’m a bit confused as to why the % power used is not lower (vs the P5). Mine is showing total output at around 1150W. Shouldn’t it be 1500W on a 15A circuit?
I get this by dividing the current displayed output in Watts by the % output. For example: 863W and 75%.
Can anyone let me know if this is correct?
My P5 was running at around 80-85%, and it’s rated at 1250W. I would have expected ~20% improvement in headroom with the P20 on a 15A circuit, but I’m getting 5-10%.
Unless the way the calc is being done has changed?
Had no issues with the 1.25 software and have not seen issues with the software on this forum. Would suggest reaching out to PS Audio Support for guidance.