P15 handles my system effortlessly. However, it occurred to me that less heat in the DAC and the pre may be beneficial. I am still experimenting and I will test the analogue front end over the weekend. Trying various voltage setting sounds tempting
Mine too.
But my effort comment was about the P15 being in effort trying to compensate the 235v/240v on the wall with the 220v output setting, instead the 230v.
Something for PSAudio folks to enlighten.
Signs of overload known to me include high temperature, excessive load represented by unusually high watts or amps or poor / choppy performance. Moving the needle to 220V did not trigger any of the above (so far). By the way, initial feedback is that analogue playback still sounds better at 230V. So, something in my digital chain likes 220V. It could be the LPS that feeds Nucleus+ and Melco S100.
My power lines clocked 245v+. I am so glad there are power regenerators to control that! Thank you PS Audio.
Wow, your incoming has a big range. My incoming is usually only +/- 4v at most. Cool to see it rock solid at 230v output though!