P15 power plant

Having issues with my P15 shutting down . I currently have a parasound JC5 a parasound JC2BP and my direct stream dac running off the p15. It has shut down on me a handful of times so far . I have the p15 plugged into a 15amp receptacle but will be upgrading it to a 20amp. I’m thinking it is starving for power as my 2 jl subs are running off a different receptacle but on the same circuit.
I want to upgrade my amplification to 2 parasound jc1+‘s . Will the p15 handle this once I have a dedicated 20amp circuit to power the p15 with …

Welcome @BobBr! Wish I had an answer for you! Sounds like you need help from @Paul or @jamesh.

Thanks . Hopefully I can get this cleared up . I really like the unit but I can’t have it shutting down on me at higher volumes . I like to enjoy my music at high levels at times

With a pair of JC1+'s running at “normal listening levels” you are at 2/3 of max output of the P15 not counting any other gear at all. If the JC5 is shutting it down not a doubt two JC1+'s will. No one knows what Parasound’s definition of “normal listening level” is but likely 75db plus or minus. Whether or not just changing from 15 amp to 20 amp would help only one way to find out.

@BobBr, welcom to the PSA Forum. If you have registered your P15 with PSA, and have the unit connected to the internet, Power consumption, and other performance characteristics related to your unit performance cam be downloaded to PSA. This can assist in PSA in answering questions related to your unit’s performance while under real world conditions. Hard to diagnose from a distance, but my guess is thermal shut down to protect the unit due to extended listening sessions under high load conditions. Your JC5 is rated at 400 watts under normal listening conditions, and 1500 watts max. The P15 is rated 1500 Watts, and 80% of that or 1200 Watts continuous. Depending on your subwoofers’ current draw your 15 amp circuit could be overloaded drawing down supply voltage under worst case peak load conditions.

For a pair of JC1+ mono blocks, each is rated at 400 watts typical listening and 1500 watt max, you may need a P20 and two dedicated 20 amp circuits for your audio equipment. I suggest seeking out @JamesH, a PSA rep who frequents the forum as he can get you the assistance necessary to get to the bottom of the P15 shutting down.

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The best solution might be to add a 2nd P15 and use one for each JC1+ amp. Also as mentioned 2 dedicated 20 amp runs would definitely help. I use 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits here. One for the streamer, DAC, preamp, disc spinner and one 20 amp circuit for each power amp. I have a P12 running the stack and a P20 for each power amplifier. Is it overkill? Maybe but it’s one less thing to worry about.

Hooking it up to PowerPlay would be very helpful. It would let us know what is happening before the shutdowns. It would also be helpful to know what the load percentage is or how many watts you’re pulling from it regularly. You can get these numbers if you scroll through the scope screen.

Based off what you’re describing and where you hope to go with the JC1+s, I highly recommend getting an additional regenerator and possibly getting a 20A line installed as well. Another P15 or P20 will help distribute the load and you won’t be taxing the regen nearly as much. When it comes to amps and power headroom, overkill ain’t really a thing. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Should you decide to add a dedicated 20 amp circuit, do not stop at one, the additional cost is incremental. Just be sure they are fed from the same phase.


Hi BobBr…

Currently have a P15 powering JC5 Oppo 205 udp plus Emotiva XSP1 Gen 2 pre.

Occasionaly on powering up my JC5 from standby the watt useage meter swings over
to max and stay there as the caps on JC5 “fill up”…and will at times shut down the P15,
with red sockets coming on…No problem as P15 designed to self protect…I just press
the on button on the P15 remote or the blue on button on P15 and volia P15 back on.

Then I press power on button on JC5 and away we go…
With everthing on at idle power use is at about 275-300 watts all idle.

While playing music whether 55-60db range or 70-90 db range P15’s watt meter
does not appear to budge…

My speaker are Focal Aria 948s 92 db (fairly efficient)…

2 JC1+ are a different breed needing considerable more power…
so a dedicated 20 amp line with an additional P15 may be in

I have run my JC5 direct to wall…but much prefer how sounds
plugged into my P15…

Wish you the best

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I was able to get the P20 to shut off in 15A mode. It worked fine at ear shattering levels in 20A mode.

Voodoo sells premium converters to switch IEC from 15 A to 20A. I use one from my 20A circuit to a 8awg power cable with a 15A IEC.

Do you think one P20 could handle the job ?

Go with two, as there is a Private Promotion going on. Besides that way @jamesh gets the shady parking spot. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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As the way the system is now, I do think you could get away with 1 P20. Now if you move up to the JC1+s, you’d need to think about getting two and possibly a 20A circuit as well.

the 20amp circuit is definitely going to be done . But i cant justify another 15k unit . I really like the ps audio gear but 30k on power regeneration is a bit over the top . I may look elsewhere. I would have expected that a 15k unit would be able to handle 2 amplifiers

Hey BobBr…

When your P15 shuts down …is that occuring on JC5 power on from standby ?

Hopefully you read my previous post and my JC5 shutting down my P15…

Here is an amazing thread of 2 Emotiva XPA 1’s powere by a P12…
including pics of the watt power meters…and doing a great job of it!

As for me my JC5 is a stunning performer…

Last night I plugged my Oppo 205 udp straight into the JC5’s xlr inputs.
Cranked up Tricycle Flim and the BBs…the famed “jump factor” was far
more than I anticipated…far greater than going thru my preamp.
The stunning quickness and power delivery was quite stunning to say
the least…Sadly had to greatly diminish the volume to keep on the good side
with my neighbors.

In all that my P15 never blinked…

While I would like a pair of JC1+s …in my 15’x25’ L shaped room it is way
more than enough…

Hope this helps on your audio journey…

Best wishes

One P15 can easily handle 2 amplifiers (It powers 2 BHK300s no problem), but when the two amps have the potential to pull 1280W each, you’ll certainly run into trouble. Please keep us posted with your journey.

My handle 3, two that I bi-amp my main-speakers with and one 7-channel power-amp that I use for all my surround channels and center.

Yes, come to think of it, I have 4 power-amps if you count in my active subwoofer.


Am I reviving too old a thread here? Literally speaking, all my gear is connected to a P15, inclusive of HDPlex 300 linear power supply power to four digital playback accessories. Ever since acquiring the P15, I set it to 230v and forgot it. Lately, I read something by Ted to the effect that excess voltage going to capacitors is turned into heat. So, I decided to test the P15 and have it deliver 220v instead of 230v. My digital playback improved. Music is clearer, bass cleaner, and instrumental placement just got better. I cannot say for which component or components benefitted from the change, but I like the improvement. I am yet to assess my analogue setup with 220v.


Good food for thought Serhan !!


Indeed! :ok_hand:

Perhaps, something in the middle to try out, lets say 225v. :thinking:

About the P15, and if let’s say we have something between 232v and 240v on the wall, is there too much effort?