Right on Elk…
Mr Pass et all know how to design outstanding tol amps…but have forgotten
that an ac clipped sine wave will never be corrected by their power supplies…
no matter how stout they maybe…
As for class A amps being a burden to a P20…Baloney !!
Here is a link to an old post where the poster is running 2 Emotiva XPA 1
monoblocs in pure 60 watt class A, plus a Plinius class a on a P12 …YES
a P12…the P12 while working more than the norm still taking it all in stride…
Post includes pix of the power watt meter on amp boot up and then in use…
Now if a P12 can handle all that…a P20 would far outclass that…
My new Parasound JC5 being powered by my new P15 is super
happy with the regenerated power…
Hope ya’ll take the time to read thru and observe the illutrations !!
Hope this helps!!