I’ve had a P12 since February. It is hot where I live so its fans are always on.
To keep from hearing them, I have it outside the listening room, feeding outlets inside. Once I close the door, I can’t hear my P12 working.
It feeds my Marantz SACD player, BHK preamp, DS DAC, Clearaudio turntable, and other things on my rack.
It also feeds my two mono amplifiers.
Those are a pair of Emotiva XPA-1 Gen 2.
They are switched so that their first 60W are in Class A.
As a result, the continuous power draw on my P12 is high. This is when I first switch everything on.
And this is half an hour later when the amps have reached their normal (hot) operating temperatures.
My speakers are 91dB/W/m sensitive. I monitor my P12 when I listen loud and the needle hardly ever climbs any higher. Perhaps its because I don’t use up more than the 60 Class A watts of my amps.
I acknowledge this isn’t ideal and a P20 would certainly be more appropriate but my P12 has been working well. Aside from the fan, it makes no other noises. I’ve been using it this way for several months and it has never shut off by itself. Not once.
After that long intro, my question is will I have a higher or a lower power draw when I upgrade the Emotiva amps to a pair of BHK300’s?