P20--arrival and installation

Very nice. Thanks

What subs are those? I just ordered the new KEF Reference 1s and intend to add stereo subs eventually. Thanks!

They’re SVS SB2000’s. I looked at REL and JL. Both were priced considerably higher than SVS. Once I heard these, I was sold on them. These SUB’s sound great and the build quality is high. They’ve been flawless.


Gentlemen, please do not continue to hijack this thread… It’s supposed to be about PSA’s P20.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

P20 is the way to go !
Enjoy !

Because the original (steel!) feet (note) are so wide, if the ISO-Acoustics Pucks are set inside the originals, the P20 looks a bit silly perched on the narrow-spaced Pucks… So out came the P20, off came the four feet…

…back in went the footless P20, and under went six Pucks.

The six feet are in each corner with #5 and 6 placed closer to the center and the weight of the (presumed) power transformer.

Looks lots better; I really like the black with black.

Note–the wide ‘feet’ are steel and are just shrouding the gray, hardish-plastic real ones.

The system sure sounds FABULOUS!!!


Hey @jeffreybehr. What type of granite is that? I recently had my backyard remodeled and I hate how the countertops turned out. The color is off. I have been agonizing over finding the right color/pattern countertop material finishes for my outdoor kitchen. Was that granite shelf stock, or did you add it after the fact.



Holy cow, that’s an amazing entertaining space!

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If I ever sell you anything again, it’s list plus 10!


As I am also interested in getting into power regenerator, do you mind to clarify if there is a clear sound quality improvement in your system with the P20?

There was a clear, audible improvement in sound quality when I installed the BPT balanced-power p-con years ago, and from that excellence, there is an audible improvement with the P20… My system has NEVER sounded better.

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No, I just meant it can handle much more than 400 watts. that’s all. I know the P20 is the best one. no one actually “needs” anything. It is whatever you like.

It was the same thing with me. My headphone amp was backordered in silver. The power conditioner upstairs is black as well but it is behind a door :slight_smile:

Redistributed my various damping weights and placed two stainless-steel bars, each just over 8 pounds, atop the P20… Since the total weight is now 112 pounds, I reinstalled the sixth ISO-Puck… Everything is good.
The system sounds better than ever… I’m VERY happy with the results of my P20.


Really? seems like an answer, looking for a question!
Glad it makes you happy though.

‘Really’ what?

What seems like an answer, looking for a question?

Adding weight to dampen the P20.

I add vibration-reducing and -absorging weights to virtually all my audio equipment… For instance…

Each of us is weird in his-her own ways… For instance, I’m a hi-end audiofool, which means there’s no hope for me.

Another of my many weirdisms is adding a second period to the ends of sentences so that forum softwares don’t truncate the end-of-sentence spaces to a single position… Unfortunately, the brand of sofware PSA uses here out-guesses me by turning two periods into three…an ellipse… I use ‘Oxford’ commas, too.

Weird, huh?!?!?!?!

Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period


Yep! All good though. As long as it makes you happy!

@Elk - so right you are… it’s been a while since I thought of that… thanks for context and link… yeah, one day in early 80s I started to see people not use the 2nd space and thought “hey, what the hell”… then single space took over and I never looked back… thanks… been a while since reading anything that explained it with type writer and computer… like cattle I just went along not really asking why…