P20 to step down voltage from 120v to 100v

I have been using the P20 for a year now.
To my ears, it does marvels when it come to removing noise floor on my vintage sound system in addition to protecting my equipments.
Today I realized that it has a voltage regulation feature that allows you to control the output voltage on all zones.

I live in Canada and my P20 runs on 120v, however all my conponents (amps, preamps , DAC, trvintage) are made in Japan and require 100v).

Currently, I am using 3 step down tranformers ( Nissyo ndf-1500u) with my P20, which is not ideal at all. I tried to remove them and adjust the output voltage on my P20 but it won’t let me go below 105 volts.

Is there a way around this or is ot not recommended at all to go below 105v. Or maybe it is safe to run Japanese gears with 105v.

Thank you in advance

I think PSaudio should jump in to answer your question.
Ask Paul.

I read that the voltage in Japan is 100Vac +_ 10%.
So 110 Vac maximum.

Thanks Adimon for the reply. I have also shared my question with Paul