I apologize on my english language.
I have one question. My friend, which have P10, told my, that in last firmware allows six kinds of settings multiwave. My fw in P5 is .39 and i don´t have allows six kinds of settings multiwave, but only 2 - sine and multi. This is mistake my device P5 or this is good?
Fw .39 is last fw?
Thx for answer.
Firmware 0.39 is not the latest firmware. In the Support / Downloads section you can find the P5/P10 MultiWave upgrade software.
.39 is the latest of which I am aware. See, the downloads section Click
Wybe, where did you get newer firmware than this?
The .39 firmware provides six settings of the strength of the multiwave. You choose multiwave first, and then separately set the strength from one to six.
Welcome, Radek!
Thx yout answer, but this software ( P5/P10 MultiWave upgrade ) is date 2013 all file, and after unzip is name fw .38.
My fw is .39 and date 2014.
You have P5? If yes - you have six kinds of settings multiwave?
The downloads section also has .39. It is from the early part of 2014.
On your P5, choose multiwave.
Then select “setup.” On the new screen that appears there is a setting for MW strength. This can be set from 1 to 6.
Elk - thank you. You think button : Add time? Where is up arrow. This is setup multiwave 1 - 6?
No. This is CleanWave.
From Home, press “Setup.” This gets you to the page for changing voltage, MW strength and phase.
Next to “MW Strength” there are + and - buttons. These make changes to the strength of multiwave.
Yes, thank you your patience . I thought, that this setup is somewhere else.
Next info please - here is setup High/Low distortion ,which is better?
And curiosity - i have TV LG, and this device has same frequency on remote control P5, so when i give button + volume on TV, my P5 turns off
Elk said Wybe, where did you get newer firmware than this?Sorry, my mistake. In the Downloads section both 0.39 and the MultiWave firmware are available. If one needs the MultiWave firmware, what would be the logical choice? It appears that 0.39 is the most recent firmware and also contains the MultiWave option. Very confusing ...
Kolo said Next info please - here is setup High/Low distortion ,which is betterFrom the Manual:
"Mode: Here the toggle exists between two different general settings. Low distortion and high regulation. If the Power Plant 5 is being used in an area with relatively consistent, relatively accurate input AC, then it is recommended that the Low Distortion selection be made. This will focus the Power Plant 5’s efforts on decreasing output THD as much as possible. If the P5 is being used in an area with erratic input voltage, or input voltage that is consistently higher or lower than the level 120V or 240V (depending on region), it is suggested that the High Regulation selection is made. This will focus the Power Plant 5’s efforts more closely on regulating the output voltage to a nominal output, and on this setting you may notice the output THD climb slightly higher.
As general guidelines, tube equipment and electrostatic speakers will benefit from the High Regulation setting, whereas solid state amplifiers and video equipment will benefit from the Low Distortion setting. In the incoming AC is within 5V of the base-line output, either mode will offer great performance. Outside of five volts, the user can maintain voltage regulation at the slight expense of THD control with High Regulation, or can maintain THD control at the slight expense of voltage regulation using Low Distortion."
Wybe saidIt is indeed.In the Downloads section both 0.39 and the MultiWave firmware are available. If one needs the MultiWave firmware, what would be the logical choice? It appears that 0.39 is the most recent firmware and also contains the MultiWave option. Very confusing ...
Hi All,
Is it possible to find somewhere the v37 (FMC-27) available for download?
Thanks in advance,
So, what to do here - Is it 0039 or the MultiWave one that counts for the P10 if you want to use MW strenght=2?
When I toggle Sine/MW on/off there is a slight difference in backround noise from the system. Should this affect the final setting in any way?
This all depends on the power supply you’re feeding from the Power Plant. For my bet I use whatever setting sounds best despite background noise.
My primary power is TN net, 230VAC, 50Hz with an avg. THD of 1%